Chapter Five

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Y/N woke up instantly, she had a bad nightmare making it hard for her to breathe. She sighed and got up from her warm bed. She took her phone and saw that Jack texted her earlier when she was still asleep.

Jack: Y/N why are you still mad at me, babe I told you clearly it wasn't anything I was only talking to her.

Y/N rolled her eyes and put her phone back on her nightstand, she went to her closet and picked out some clothes to wear. All of a sudden her phone rang making her groan in annoyance, she picked up expecting it to be her boyfriend but it was the police. 

"Hello Miss L/N, come down by the station we need to have a talk. We found two bodies and we might think it is connected with you." Y/N's heart stopped while she put her hand around her mouth.

She quickly got changed and brushed her hair, she then put her shoes on and took the bus to the police station quickly, she then got off the bus and went towards the police station entrance. 

As soon as she walked in she heard screaming and yelling from two familiar voices, she frowned and looked towards where it was coming from. She felt her heart drop once more seeing Toby and Allison's parents sobbing.

Allison's parents then looked at her and gasped, she was confused about what was even going on at first. The police were holding both of the parents back from coming towards Y/N, she then began to shake a bit feeling scared of why they were yelling and sobbing.


"wh-what?... I'm sorry I don't understand what's going on- " Y/N teared up in fear from all the yelling.

"YOU FREAK! YOUR A CURSE!! OUR CHILDREN ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!! MAYBE YOU MIGHT BE THE ONE ALL BEHIND THIS!" Toby's drunk father screamed and threw a small lamp from one of the officer's desk. The police then had to hold back both of the parents from attacking Y/N, One of the police officers led her to one of the private rooms.

"We found the bodies of Allison oscar and Toby Anderson, the reason why the parents were screaming at you because they were blaming it on you since you were the last person seen with them Miss L/N. We are beginning to also get a bit suspicious because we heard most of the things they have been doing. We lost at least 5 people and they directly knew you, either it is someone who has grudge against you or it is you seeking revenge." the investigator spoke coldly making her feel more scared.

The police were unknown of the man with a hood sitting in the waiting room hearing all of the things going on but he made sure to listen closely to the wall where the room Y/N was. Ghostface smirked knowing what they were trying to do.

"I was at my home the entire time I swear, I was only with them because someone tried killing me! and nobody found him anywhere whatsoever! I've been trying to inform you about it but all you guys say is that you will look into it!!! why should they blame you when they should blame you guys!! because you can't do your own job!!" she scolded, She got up and stormed out of the private room.

Ghostface adjusted his hood more making sure nobody sees his face, he silently laughed hearing Y/N snap back at the investigators. He knew that she was right too, they weren't doing their job what so ever. He looked at Y/N with a sly smirk, she had tears rolling down her face making him instantly frown. 

He then got up and grabbed his bag with his mask inside, meanwhile Y/N was filled up with anger and fear. She walked to the nearby cafe with Ghostface following her without her noticing. She entered the cafe and sat in her usual seat with her hands covering her face filled with tears of fear.

Ghostface entered the cafe and looked towards Y/N's table, he then got an idea and looked in his wallet seeing a bunch of money from victims he killed. He then went to the counter to see one of the cashiers staring at him, he was quite tall... about 6'3 which made him intimidating. 

"Hello welcome sir, how may I take your order?" the person questioned him making him sigh a bit since he hasn't interacted with people in a while. 

"Ill get one normal coffee and a chocolate chip cookie," his voice was deep and raspy making the cashier hesitate a bit. 

"hurry up I don't have all day you know.." he grumbled while the cashier nodded while he tapped his foot against the tile floor making sure he kept his eye on Y/N. Her sniffles were soft and silent making him tilt his head.

He noticed that she sure does cry a lot too, from what everything is going on he could understand why she cried but the fact that they blamed her for something that has such little proof of.

The cashier slid the drink and snack in front of him giving him the signal to pay, he then slid 10 dollars towards the cashier.

"Keep the change, mind if I borrow this marker here?" he questioned, the cashier nodded and took the money carefully.

He then takes a marker and began to write a quick note on the coffee, he smirked a bit seeing there was a bit of blood on the small paper which he attempted to wipe off. He looked at Y/N again seeing that she was reading a book again. He assumed that she was trying to distract herself from everything. She cheered him up by giving him a coffee and a snack too and now it's his turn to repay the kindness even though he is the reason why she is crying.

His footsteps were heavy and a bit loud, he made his way towards Y/N, he tapped her head making her flinch which caught him off guard wondering why she flinched. He wondered if maybe the boyfriend was the reason for that too. He slid the coffee and the cookie towards the girl making her tilt her head, he smirked. She looked at his hand making her perk her head upright up at him.

"Hey you're the same guy from last time... you even got my favorite cookie too! thank you. Funny how we keep bumping into each other! " she giggled and looked back at the food. She looked up again only to see that the man was already gone, she looked around wondering where he was at. She shrugged and looked at the small note in the coffee.

"Hope this makes your sweet smile come back, keep it that way too you deserve some happiness." the handwriting was oddly familiar to her, she noticed a small red stain which made her more confused. She ripped off the note and stuffed it in her pocket, time passes by and she was finally finished with her cookie and drink.

She got up and put her book away, she took the wrapper and cup, she dumped it into the trash- she then waved goodbye to the cashier and left the cafe.

She felt someone watching her again but at this point, she didn't even care anymore. She took out her book and read as she was walking to her house.

Ghostface shook his head seeing how reckless she can be, he followed her back to her home. He was back to wearing his coat and mask with his hood making sure he would stay hidden in the shadows.


Once she finally arrived Ghostface noticed she opened her window making him a bit confused, He looked at his phone to see that it was about 6:32 in the afternoon. He stared at Y/N watching every move she had, her hums echoed through his head as he watched more and more.

He got a bit more closely to see what she was doing, she was looking through her clothes for a bit until she took off her shirt, his eyes widen a bit not expecting it. He loved how her body was shaped, everything about her made him want her more too. He felt a grin slowly pop up as he stalked her. She then began to take off her pants making him feel a bit more heated.

He slid his mask the other way enough for him to breathe from how she was shaped, she then bent down to pick up some of her clothes making him facepalm. He felt his face get redder and his stomach gets butterflies.

He groaned a bit in frustration making Y/N look towards his way, he instantly moved another way making sure she didn't see him. He shook his head and he needed to get himself together. He was going to try to talk to her tonight and if she tries running away he'll have to do it the hard way. 

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