Chapter Six

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(Your POV)

I sigh as I feel the same uneasy feeling again from being watched, I grab a glass and fill it up with some water until I heard a bit of footstep's in my room making me freeze. I then heard someone coming down the stairs making me gasp. I duck down and hide behind the counter. I heard some loud footsteps making their way towards me. I close my mouth attempting to shut my whimpers up from fear. I heard the footsteps stop making me feel a bit relieved. I heard the footsteps going somewhere else making me have more time to find somewhere to hide or get my phone to call the police.

I carefully get up and walk backward only to bump into a stiff muscular chest making me squeak and freeze in fear. I look up to see the familiar mask of the same man who tried attacking me before. I felt my heart drop feeling his breathing quicken. 

His chest was against my back, Why wasn't I moving!?! I couldn't move anything!! I was stuck in frozen fear. My eyes stared right through his mask making me feel more intimidated, he was extremely tall and muscular obviously giving me the hint I had no chance but I needed to try. 

I whimpered in fear with tears rolling down my face, I finally got the courage to move just a bit. I then break the eye contact and sprint forward. I quickly run upstairs only to feel his hands wrap around my waist pulling me down. I scream in fear and kick around until he finally let go. I run right upstairs again but took a turn. I ran to my room and saw that there was no time to go into the window. 

I look at my closet and quickly shove myself in it, I close it and look carefully through the blinds. I heard him enter my room with his heavy breathing... he sounded angry and frustrated by the fact that I got out of his grasp. I cover my mouth again trying to quiet myself, I saw him look around my room and mess with some of the stuff on my vanity.

He then looked on the vanity mirror and right onto the closet. I felt my heart drop again and I soon begin to panic more, he then goes straight towards me. He slides open the closet making me start sobbing as I protect my face with my hands.

I somehow heard him sigh, I slowly take my hands off of my face to see him right in front of me. I look towards the door seeing it was wide open. Why wasn't he attacking me? or.. hitting me? what the hell was going on... I just want to get out of here.

I then quickly shove him and run out of my room, I look behind me to see him attempting to chase after me but to only trip over one of my stuffed animals. 

I sigh in relief and run down the stairs towards my front door, I felt my hope raise up again as I was so close to it. I then feel someone Grab me and throw me straight to the ground with a thud. The man pinned me down making me sob and scream.

(Nobody's POV)

She screamed and cried more, she squirmed and kicked around but Ghostface's grip was far too strong. He growled in anger and as she kept on sobbing, he felt a bit bad about going harsh on her but she kept on escaping him..

Y/N soon started to sob her squirming and sobbing, she was just frozen now and all she was doing was whimpering. Ghostface noticed how this wasn't out of fear, she was giving up...She felt hopeless thinking that this was the end. She lost mostly everybody and at this point, she didn't want to live more knowing that she is going to be always left behind or just manipulated. She didn't know what to feel anymore she was first in a state of panic yet now she felt useless.

" it. Just do it there is no point. Please just end it already," she whispered making Ghostface's heart drop a bit out of guilt. He wasn't expecting her to give up this fast but she was already tired and miserable because now she lost her only friends and maybe even her boyfriend who she didn't want to let go of him.

For the first time, a victim was begging for him to finish them off instead of trying to escape and he knew that she was a very smart girl because even if she did he would always end up finding her too. She sniffled more with tears popping up from her E/C eyes.

She then began sobbing out of sadness from losing her friends even if they were terrible to her they were all she had left and she didn't know what she did wrong at all for this all to happen.

Ghostface didn't know what to do at all, he felt extremely guilty because now he noticed this was the time where he had to make up his decision of ending her life or sparing it. He then lets go of her wrists and gently cupped her cheek making her tear up more. She stared at him through the mask making him frown seeing how hurt she was too.

He sighed and carefully got off of her, she then crawled next to the door and laid her back on it out of tiredness. "Why are you doing this to me... why did you do this to them too.." she mumbled making Ghostface chuckle a bit catching her attention.

Ghostface went down on his knees to her level, he smirked behind his mask and put his gloved hand on her chin making her look right at him. Her tears rolled down her cheeks slowly as Ghostface leaned in and carefully whispered.

"It's all to protect you and it's sad how you don't even realize how people in this world can be so cruel. I'm only by your side because your the one who chose it to be that way, my little sweet." Ghostface whispered in her ear as her eyes widen as he put a small note in her hand. She looked at it seeing it was the same note she gave to the man in the coffee shop a few weeks ago.

She felt her whole heart drop to the floor while Ghostface chuckled a bit, the man's voice echoed in her ears while her body began to shake slightly.

"I'm also only sparing you because you found my interest and now you can't EVER get rid of me Y/N. You are so clueless it makes me want to just open your eyes wide enough to realize how I'm only making your life easier. Call the cops and it'll only make me angrier, you can't even escape from me either too. 

She looked at him right through his mask not breaking eye contact with him, he cupped her cheek and wiped her tear away as a slight blood stain marked her cheek. He got up and walked away to the back door. Her lip quivered in fear and hopelessness, she hugged her knees and softly cried.

Ghostface stared at her through her window while he put his hand on his chest, he felt his heartbeat a bit making him sigh knowing he might have been too harsh on her. He then left Y/N's house leaving the young girl to be left alone with her own thoughts.

He was doing all of this because of her kindness she showed right to him, he was becoming obsessed with her and he wanted her to be his. To be in his arms at all times for he can protect her from the sick world and he never meant to hurt her more but it was the only way he could express such feelings. Y/N was left in shock finding out it was the same man from the cafe and he even bought her a cookie with coffee too. Almost as a sign that he is repaying her too...

Obsession...(Ghostface x Reader)18+Where stories live. Discover now