Chapter Ten

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Ghostface silently closed the back door and went up the stairs, he then peeks from the side seeing that you were fiddling with his knife. You were mumbling to yourself and pretending to stab one of your stuffed animals making him chuckle at your cuteness. 

He knocked on your door making you squeak, you instantly hide the knife behind your back feeling nervous about stealing his knife.

"Okay let's make a deal, you give me your knife and ill give you these pop tarts since I heard you love them." he crossed his arms and you looked at him with a confused face feeling like you got caught red-handed. You smiled and nodded to his offer, and gave him his knife back.

He then hands you a pop tart making you smile softly, you look at him again and wondered why he always wore a mask. I mean yes he is a serial killer but you wondered what he looked like under the mask. You then made your way around him and went downstairs as he followed each move you made. You gently put down the pop tart for later and opened a cabinet to reach for, you looked to see one of the glasses you wanted was on the top shelf. You sighed and attempted to jump to reach it. Your finger slightly touched it making it come closer on the edge of the shelf, you then jump again and the glass falls off the edge but a gloved hand instantly caught it before it can hit your face.

"You know maybe next time use a chair or something, it could've landed on your face dummy." he handed you the glass as you blinked with confusion.

"How did you catch it that fast? weren't you just- like in the living room?" You tilted her head, he leaned on the counter and shrugged.

"I have my ways.." he mumbled making her feel a bit more curious about the man, he maybe knows a lot about you but you didn't even know about him nor his real name. You didn't even know how old he was either too.

"I don't know a lot about you- you are really mysterious all the time-" she said catching the killer's attention, he chuckled seeing how you can be always so curious and brave for what you ask him.

"Hmm Well ill let you ask two questions only and ill answer them truthfully," he looked directly at your eyes and you smiled softly. 

"Okay- well first off what's your age? Your not some old crusty man are you?"You questioned him as he smiled a bit at the question, he knew if he answered your questions the more you would trust him.

"Pfft, I'm 24- I'm not an old man geez!" he shook his head, you giggle at his offended head tilt- You then think of another question.

"What's your zodiac sign?" you asked him another question making him sigh- you wondered if that was a stupid question considering he is a murder and its a bit odd.

"I'm a Scorpio, aren't you a (your zodiac sign)? It seems to fit you well," he chuckled a bit and you nodded. You wanted to ask another question, you wanted to know what his name was but you felt like he would get angry. You decided to shoot your shot, you inhaled and spoke up.

"what's your name?.." you fiddled with your fingers nervously as he glared at you making you get goosebumps.

"mm... It's Danny- I swear to god don't make fun of my name people literally think it's the funniest name ever it's so irritating." he rolled his eyes, your eyes light up out of excitement- you smiled cheerfully.

"No no I think your name is quite cute- it fits you!" she poked his arm slightly making him tilt his head again. He felt his cheeks redden a bit from her statement as he felt his heart race.

"Really? huh I never really had someone say that to me- thanks I guess toots." you nodded and smile at you. Little did you know honestly he would make sure to keep that compliment deep next to his heart.

"When can I ever see your face, Danny." she looked at him with a bit of a serious face, he sighed and shook his head.

"You asked at least 4 questions, I don't think I agreed to that did I hm?" he poked your cheek making you feel a bit flustered. You sighed and took out your pop tart, you smiled a bit and attempted to take a bite out of it until you saw him take a piece of it.

"Hey-!" you glared at him as he smirked under his mask, you saw him lift up his mask a bit to eat the piece of the pop tart. You saw his jawline and his skin color, you smile a bit as he quickly puts the mask back on.

"I have one more question- pleeeease let me ask it! it isn't about your mask or anything I swear," you begged as he gave in and sighed.

"Fine...." he mumbled making you smile, you ate more of your poptart as you get the glass and fill it up with some juice.

"Do you watch me?.." her question made him go tense not wanting to scare her away again, he felt his heart begin beating nervously.

"Uh... well- Uhm yes but no?" he nervously shrugged as you glared at the guilty man, you shake your head.

"Why do you watch me? it's not like I'm going to run away or try anything Danny- you did a lot for me and I mean yes you are a serial killer but I feel like another side of me tells me to stay because I believe you have a sweetheart," you mumbled, his eyes widen a bit with your words echoing in his rushing head.

"I only do it to make sure you are safe, the number of times I look away you always end up doing or getting into trouble. For example, you read a book when your walking and you should have your full attention to your surroundings. Someone could've kidnapped you and nobody would've known." he said, you felt your cheeks redden from embarrassment. 

"Okay that makes sense but what about when I'm changing!? do you watch me when I'm changing Danny?" you slightly hit his arm making him start laughing feeling his face turn into a tomato.

"No- No of course not I'm not that type of guy haha.." he mumbled his words making her raise a brow, you yawned a bit and looked at the time to see it was 11:58, it was near midnight and you felt extremely tired. 

"You are literally ruining my sleep schedule... I'm tired" you rubbed your eyes as he nodded, 

"Will I see you again?.." she questioned making his stomach get butterflies realizing you wanted him around you.

"of course I will, I'll be back whenever you want me to just text me, and ill be there." he nodded and you smiled brightly feeling safe around him. All of a sudden your phone started to ring catching her attention.

"give me a second, I'll be right back... Ghostface took a look at your phone seeing it was a contact named Ned, he frowned and saw you walk away. Obviously, he was going to eavesdrop on your little conversation.

"Y/N? is that you? agh, thank god I was worried about you! I heard what happened to everyone. I'm sorry I wasn't there ever since I moved away  I completely was piled up with a bunch of work. I'm heading towards your town to pick you up somewhere safe! I'll be there tomorrow afternoon as soon as I book a hotel okay?" you felt your heart freeze knowing if Danny found out he would kill ned.

Ned was one of your childhood friends and you always knew he had a crush on you but of course, Jack didn't allow that and you were with him. 

"Ned I don't think that's a good idea, I don't want to go-.." she said a bit sadly, Danny smiled knowing she would never leave him behind for some guy.

"What!? why not? are you crazy? multiple of our friends WE knew has died and the serial killer might be after you! he could gut you alive just like Marlie was!" he yelled through the phone making you slightly flinch.

Danny gripped on his knife tightly, how dare he talk to you in that manner of voice he thought. He wanted Ned dead already but he knew if you found out for sure you would be afraid of him. He knew exactly what to do and he needed to do it as soon as he arrives. You instantly hung up on him and sighed, Danny quickly goes back to where he was and acted like he didn't hear anything. He looked at you and saw how worried your face looked making his heartache for you. He was beginning to hate Ned for swiping that sweet smile off of your face. 

"Well I'll let you go sleep, I'll come back tomorrow- sleep well toots" he mumbled and waved goodbye and walked out from the backdoor. you silently sighed and hoped he didn't come to get him, as much as you cared for Ned you didn't want to leave Danny behind after all he did for you too.

You went upstairs and got ready for bed since you were tired from the whole day, your eyes grow heavy and you soon drift off to sleep hoping for the best for tomorrow.

Obsession...(Ghostface x Reader)18+Where stories live. Discover now