Chapter Nine

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(Second POV)

You felt your legs getting tired each moment as you run from the one person who you knew who would hurt you just like the rest. He proved his point about how naive and stupid she can be by believing someone will care for her with all their heart and now it escalated where her own life was on the line of death. His laugh rang through her head as he chased right after her with the knife of many victim's causes of death and now she was the next one.

He made her trust him only for him to just backstab her just like the rest and she didn't even understand why. Her legs began to grow tired from running and running from the cold-blooded serial killer who seeks to ruin your life until your nothing. Her heart raced and ached from all the running she was doing and just as he said no matter how hard she tries she would always end up in the tip of his finger along with all his poor victims.

Maybe he was only lying to hurt her, maybe he just killed her friends just to lie to her for her trust and now she ended up in the wrong. She grew attached to the killer just because of his words and actions proving maybe this is the one person who will give her the love she deserves but yet why is he chasing her around with a knife attempting to slice her. She then attempted to sprint faster but Ghostface saw the opportunity to grab her by her hair and yank her back, she fell on the floor and was now being pinned by Ghostface.

He leans next to her face and whispered, "You never meant anything to me Y/N, It was all to just trick your poor little mind... you'll die like the rest, alone and forever alone from the start of it all." his voice echoed again through her mind making her sob in pain from the sudden struck of a knife in her heart.  Everything went black and all she could hear was ghost faces words echoing all around her.

You woke up with a loud scream, you felt sweaty from the dream and slight pain in your chest making you gasp for air. You then get up and stumble to the bathroom, you instantly start washing your face out of frustration. Was it just a dream?... you thought in your head making her heart pound with each thought that came across.

You then looked at her hands as they began to shake, you were terrified... even if he was telling the truth something about him makes her fear the worse, and now that you realize that even when you try your best to escape he'll find you. You became friends with a serial killer and she knew how wrong it was. You saw your own boyfriend drop dead on the ground and yet you still felt safe with him but at the same time, he could slice your throat in seconds. The man was tall, muscular, dark, and mysterious which made you feel more curious yet overwhelmed. You walk back to your room and check your phone. You see that a notification popped up making you feel a bit uneasy seeing who it was.

"Hello, hope you slept well."

You sigh and hesitated to reply back not knowing what to say either, you calmed down after your terrifying dream but was still a bit scared.  You then go to your closet to pick out some clothes, you then change quickly and grab your phone. You go downstairs and see where your ex-boyfriend's body as it was all clean, not even a drop of blood. You felt your heartache feeling guilty for letting him slaughter your ex. But he was trying to get in your pants and was begging to get too rough on you. You look at your hand seeing it still had a bruise from it too, you take your wallet and stuff it into your back pocket. You sigh and went out to get some groceries, you felt someone watching you again but you had a feeling that it won't bother you too much. You knew it was Ghostface but yet at the same time, you didn't know if it was him. You always felt like someone was watching you 24/7 even before the accident with Marlie. 

You grabbed a small little basket and went around the Aisles, you then felt again someone watching you but maybe you were just being paranoid as always. You picked out some Oreos and other snacks too. Your hands shake each time a thought runs through your mind, you look to your side to see a mother with her child. You smile softly seeing how the child waved at you, the small child accidentally drops her small toy making you gasp. You pick it up and gently give it to the baby.

Obsession...(Ghostface x Reader)18+Where stories live. Discover now