Chapter Twelve

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You woke up to feel strong arms wrapped around your waist and someone's chest against yours, you then felt a warm breath on your neck making your face go red realizing it was Danny. Had you two fallen asleep? you slightly try to move but you heard a small growl from Danny as his arms tighten more around you making you squeak. 

Your cheeks redden more as you try to wiggle out, you were wondering how you got into this situation, You then saw his mask and smiled- you gently took it and put it on jokingly.

All of a sudden you Heard Danny waking you up making you hide under the blankets, Danny yawned and let go of you instantly. He makes a "HUH" sound seeing that his mask disappeared, you felt him get up and his shadow went over to your side of your bed making you slightly hold your breathe. 

He lifts the blanket up to see you wearing his mask, he chuckled as he attempted to take the mask from you. You move around making him raise a brow, you got up and accidentally bumped into the wall  since the mask was slightly bigger on you. He tries to reach for it but you duck down not wanting him to cover his face again.

"Give me my mask back Y/N!" he tried to reach for it but you make a run for it until he grabbed the back of your shirt yanking you back. He chuckled and took the mask from you making you frown, you attempt to grab it but he has a strong grip on it making you whine.

"Theif.." he mumbled making you glare at him, you huffed and got up- your hair was a little bit poofy from sleeping very comfortably. 

"You should not be talking! you stole one of my stuffed animals." you throw a pillow at him as he doged it.

"Well you took my knife!" he put his hands on his waist in a sassy manner making you roll your eyes.

"But you stole half of my poptart, Danny Devito." you look up at him as his reaction was just blank.

"I told you not to make fun of my name!" he grumbled while you burst out laughing on your bed, he shakes his head and looks at your tiny alarm clock.

"So we ended up falling asleep huh?" he questioned making you nod, he shrugged and you attempted to fix your bed.

You then gasped seeing him about to leave out of the window, you frowned making him notice. He raised a brow again as he put his mask back on. You then quickly run to him and tug on his coat trying to attempt to make him stay.

"Dont leave- I like your company..." you said quietly making him smirk now knowing he finally has you wrapped around his finger...

"What do you even do all day?" you questioned, he chuckled and played around with his knife leaning on the wall.

He then hesitates a bit noticing he doesn't even do that much, he just reads newspapers about his kills or sleep. He also maybe watches movies but besides that Danny didn't even do that much.

"Uhh I sleep?..." he shrugged and your shoulders went down a bit, he closed the window and took his mask off again as your frown turned into a smile. 

"What should we do today!? we could go out somewhere fun!" you jump up and down in excited manner making him softly smile at your cuteness. 

You were still grateful to have him by your side, you realized how he proved he would never hurt you and even if he was a serial killer something in you got attached to him. You now felt so safe around him and he actually is pretty handsome but you always shook that thought off your head. He was a loyal person and he made sure to keep a smile on your face 24/7.

"I don't go out in public that much to be honest, if I agreed where would we go huh?" he asked and you thought for a bit.

"An arcade!? the zoo?! uhhh the park!?" you said many places that you two can go making him chuckle a bit seeing how excited you are.

"Hmm, maybe the arcade sounds good hm?" you gasp and squealed a bit in excitement, you haven't gotten out that much only with those "friends" of yours but they always degraded you at some point.

"Ill need to go to my place to change, people would be questioning why I'm in a black coat full of blood stains." he jokingly said, you nodded as he quickly excits your window.

You paused for a moment seeing how you made it seem like a date, your face redden and you jump in your bed screaming into your pillow of embarrassment. Ghostface laughed a bit hearing you scream in your pillow, he was glad that you were warming up to him.

You quickly go to your closet and pick out some cute clothes to wear(your choice), you softly smiled and grabbed some clean panties with a bra as always. You get some towels and rush to the restroom to take a shower.

Meanwhile Ghostface was smiling the whole entire time, he has never felt this happy in his life to be around the girl who caught his attention. A girl who is the kind to be breaking slowly but healing in the same time, a girl who apologizes even if it wasn't her fault, a girl who people take advantage of as if she was a reusable toy and now that he has you in his grasp nobody can ever hurt you ever again.

Obsession...(Ghostface x Reader)18+Where stories live. Discover now