Chapter Four

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(GORE WARNING)(Ghostface's POV)

I make my way near the familar house I once stalked before Y/N was here, Sad how I'm doing all of this for her and all I get was a popcorn bowl thrown at my head. I distance myself from the window and stalk the two before one of them separated from the other for I can have more time.

My mind kept on sticking to Y/N, everything about her made me feel more interested, and yet somehow She has the purest heart of them all, each of her friends in her tiny group were all backstabbing her since day one of high school I knew that due to me looking through their phone or stalking in general.

I knew that all I was doing was helping the pathetic being with all of the toxins surrounding her, she even apologized for bumping into me when it was clearly my doing for entering the wrong door. Her nervous smile and her wave when she first looked at me made me feel so angry because no one else has ever actually had an effect on me in this way.

She was different from the others and she only wanted to live her life yet these fuckers stop her from receiving happiness. So now I'm going to make sure all those people get erased from her life, Marlie was the main one who started all of this. She made her life a living hell in her old high school and yet Y/N still stayed around. Tch, for god sake the fact that her own boyfriend cheated on her multiple times and also hit her too. She chose to stay because she didn't want to be alone which was understandable but now that I'm realizing I'm having second thoughts of even killing the chick.

I snap back to reality and realize the cocky man was making out with the other whore, I needed to separate them. I then enter the back door which was left open and made my way to the attic which was right on top of the room they were in.

I then make a clatter of noise with all the junk they had to get one of them to come up here for I can slaughter them. These shitheads deserve to die anyways from what they literally have been doing to Y/N. Of course, I mean I may be ruining her life more but I'm actually helping her at the same time too.

I made sure to make more clatter before I hid behind a huge box, I heard some footsteps coming up the ladder making me smirk under my mask more. I take a small peak to see it was the cocky male who made Y/N feel worse.

Kinda sad how I'm also doing this all for this pathetic chick and then maybe ill end her life too once I'm done with all this fun but first off everyone around her has either backstabbed her or straight-up hates her so maybe I can teach them a little lesson for messing with a pure heart like hers. 

"Babe it was probably a raccoon or something.. you're literally acting like Y/N stop being so paranoid like her too maybe you'll end up like a freak too!!" he burst out laughing, before he could leave I made my behind him and kicked his back of his knee making him fall. He then puts on a fight but obviously when he is in a state of panic he can't really do anything either. I got on top of him and put my thumbs on his eyes. He squirmed around making me growl, I then take his hand and stab it through the wood board with my knife making him grunt. I then stuffed a random cloth from the boxes and stuff it in his mouth to muffle his mouth.

I put my thumbs deeper into his eyes as I squeeze tighter, his eyes began to pop in my thighs as the man screamed in pain. I laughed at his attempt to wiggle around with his muffled screams, I enjoyed watching the man suffer after all he did call Y/N a freak over something that's my doing. 

I grin and push my thumbs fully into his skull, I then grab my knife and stab the middle of his forehead. I slide it down forcefully making his face split into two, all this for a sweet girl like her, and yet she somehow always ends up being afraid too. I adjust my mask and take my knife out, I then hide between a mirror and some other boxes ready to get the other person.

"Toby if you're messing with me it seriously isn't funny anymore... then you compare me to the freak and now you made me upset too! stop with the games and come out of the attic right now!" the girl screamed above me making me grip tightly on my knife due to her obnoxious voice.

The girl's footsteps got louder as soon as she went up the attic, I specifically have hatred towards her more due to her being a total two-faced whore. "Toby this isn't funny anymore... come out now your beginning to scare me!!" the girl went up the attic and soon screamed in terror seeing her cocky boyfriend on the ground. I roll my eyes, ah yes the classic scream of the horror of seeing their dead ass boyfriend on the ground.

I took my opportunity to attack her, I then run forward and push her to the ground. Her screams got louder making me get impatient so I open her mouth wide open and stab right through it. Heh, I never even tried this before but it can work I guess. She then squirmed around more trying to kick me off. I grab her by the neck and saw a window nearby, I walk towards it and throw her out of the window as the glass shatters all around me. Her coughed up screams went silent as soon as she hit the hard ground to her death.

I sigh and dust myself off a bit realizing I didn't even get blood splatter on me either, I chuckle and slide the dead man's body out of my way for I can exit the house and see what Y/N is up to. I make my way towards her house and clean off my knife full of the blood of evil assholes.

Funny how I'm a whole serial killer and some chick found my interest I mean not in that way I think but something about her is just overall sad. I noticed throughout the times I stalked her she seems to be going through her own pain just like me with always being left behind or not being loved whatsoever and her heart is pure which is difficult since all these assholes tend to just make it worse. I don't think I'm any better but I know that she won't let them go unless they are fully gone which is something I have to do on my own. 

I slid open her window and climb in carefully to see her sound asleep, I tilt my head and get a bit closer seeing how vulnerable she looked. I take off my gloves and lightly wipe off the tear running down her cheek. Oh poor girl, what a shame of how clueless you can be...she gave me a coffee with Butter Croissant makes me wonder why she did it. Over because I was having one bad day and yet she somehow made me smile which I hadn't truly smiled in years. No person has ever treated me with such kindness and once I made sure to stalk her enough I realized she is way different from the others too. It makes me rage with anger because I never had actual empathy towards ANYBODY before... it makes me bawl my fist in anger knowing how stupid and pathetic she can be at some point by letting so many people step all over her because she doesn't want to be alone either. 

At the same time, I despise the girl, I can end her life right here and now by how vulnerable she looks. Yet something in me makes me want to spare her life and keep her all to myself because of how kind she is and pure. She didn't even know me and she still decided to buy me breakfast or smile at me. Killing everyone who has hurt her is my main goal and I finally made up my mind and I knew EXACTLY what to do..

There is one more person I need to get which was her shitty boyfriend... 

I put my glove back on and smirk behind my mask, I then climb out of her window and close it carefully not to wake her up. This girl has me on edge all the time for how she makes me feel, for how angry she makes me feel just by her kindness, and how annoying she can be with letting people take advantage of her heart. I was once just like her, letting people tear me apart from one by one until I finally snapped and that's something I need to prevent her from falling into. As much as I want to kill her something in me doesn't let me even take out my knife. Soon I'll get her in my grasp and make sure nobody else hurts her but if she chooses to not listen ill have no choice but end her.

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