Chapter Seven

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It's been at least 3 days since Ghostface confronted her correctly for the first time, she was extremely paranoid at all moments and knew she wasn't safe but she couldn't even do much which was worse too. She felt alone in her own world and the only person who was there was the person who killed her friends and her hope.

She felt as if she was trapped in her own mind wondering what she did wrong, and what he said to her. She was confused about how he all did this for her and yet she didn't know why he would go after her friends either. Something was off and she needed to find out too, she needed to see him again to ask him more questions but at the same time, she feared that she will have to deal with him attacking her.

She knew Ghostface was watching her but she just didn't know when or where at all times, she felt lost and in terror not knowing what was even going on. Her pure heart was something that nobody could ever understand so they decide to crush it instead.

He knew exactly what his plan was but he was unaware of what was soon to happen, Y/N stayed in her room under her blanket attempting to push away all the fear. She knew she couldn't do anything at all from how skilled he was and how strong he was too.

Some hours pass by she heard a knock on her door loudly, she sniffled a bit and attempted to wipe her tears away. She had a bit of hope of it being Ghostface for he could answer her questions but she automatically knew it was extremely wrong to wish for that since he is a murder.


She got up and made her way downstairs, she heard a familiar voice making her feel confused. She quickly opens the door to see Her boyfriend, Jack. She felt her heart flutter with hope wondering if he was here to support her but she noticed that he had a beer bottle in his hand.

He stumbled in drunkenly making her frown, she closed the door and sighed with tears slightly forming in her eyes. 

"Are to apologize Jack? I really have missed you and wondering where you have been the whole entire time. A lot of deaths have been happening and-" Jack cut her off by instantly laughing in a maniac way.

"I don't..give a fuck- haha~ who cares about them... Heh, maybe it can be you! maybe your the murder Y/N! boohoo... now come here baby I only came here to get in your pants to be honesssst~" his words slurred making her gasp, she backed up a bit feeling anger rise up on her mind.

"So much shit happened and you chose to be doing whatever you have been doing over me, Jack. I really thought you were here to comfort me but you just want to have Sex!?" her voice slightly raised in anger and pain. 

"Pft, I never cared about you Y/N you're just too stupid and naive to realize it too! I wouldn't give a fuck if that murder killed you right here and now~ but that doesn't matter. Just cmon babe do something useful for once and let me release all that stress hmm~" he grabbed her wrist tightly making her squeak.

"Let go, Jack, you're hurting me... I don't want to have sex with your musty ass! get away from me!.."

"What did you just say!? I don't give a fuck if you don't want to! you'll enjoy it I promise you!" he scolded back and hiccupped from the toxins of the beer.

"No is no!! let go of me!! Please..." she screamed loudly, she then punches him with her free hand making him gasp. 

Jack then growled in anger and pushed her forcefully to the ground, he then raised his beer bottle to hit her. She sobbed and covered her face in fear until she heard Jack gasp and a loud blood-curdling scream.

She looked up to see Ghostface cutting off his arm and shielding her from Jack, her eyes widen more seeing Jack attempt to hit Ghostface which he instantly blocked.

Obsession...(Ghostface x Reader)18+Where stories live. Discover now