Chapter Two

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She felt the sunrise up as it hit her face, she yawned and got up while she stretched a bit. Her eyes were a bit red since she cried multiple times. She then was about to grab her water bottle until she saw a polaroid-looking thing on her nightstand. She then slowly took it, she saw the back of it instead and saw that there was cursive writing on it.

"People say Marlie always looked so good in photos, maybe this one will be the best of them all. -Ghostface" her eyes widen seeing the sentence on the back of the polaroid, her hands were starting to shake as she flipped it to the other side. Her hand covered her mouth before she gasped in fear, the photo was Marlie's lifeless corpse... she screamed and threw dropped the picture in fear.

She felt her body start to shake and her breathe shortening, she began to sob harder and covered her face. She didn't understand what was going on at all, she didn't understand why would anyone want to hurt Marlie or the others. She heard that the others were the people who used to pick on her. She felt like she was constantly feeling watched and she was terrified, she was only a college student and she felt so unsafe. She quickly grabbed the polaroid picture and stuffed it in her pocket. She needed to show this to the police and she needed updates of what was going on anyways.


"So you found this on your nightstand correct? after the night Your friend died?" the cop questioned as Y/N nodded, the cops tore out the paper and told one of the other officers to bring it to the investigator. 

"Have you tried finding out who it is..? or catching them?" Y/N questioned more and more making her feel a bit on edge at the slow work of the police. It was the afternoon already and she was beginning to get more impatient and scared for the outcomes.

"No ma'am we are trying our best, we haven't found any leads at all but our investigator seems to be with a lot of cases currently so for now you will have to wait. There were 3 bodies found and it somehow leads to you as well as some sort of message. Make sure to lock your doors and windows for now until we find who the murder is. Your other friends had tried their best already and were only making it harder for us to catch the killer I suggest waiting" she nodded and sighed, she got up and walked out of the police station. She checked her phone to see that there was a message sent to her from an unknown or restricted number.

she began typing and soon sent the message, she felt a spine-chilling feeling as soon as she entered her house she felt a bit uneasy...she checked the time seeing it was 4:57 already. She spent hours with the police and somehow she got told that they were still working on it. 

She then checked her phone to see that the unknown person has texted back making her feel even more nervous. The first texted message he sent was just a hello and now that she asked who the person was all they said was "You'll see". She shook her head thinking maybe it was just a cruel person trying to scare her after the accident.

she decided to a simple movie to keep her mind off of things, she grabbed some snacks and put the movie in. She first then got changed into some comfy clothes and grabbed a blanket to stay warm.

She then pressed play and began to watch the movie to attempt to clear her mind, about 30 minutes past the movie her phone began to ring and vibrate making her sigh. She saw that it was from the same unknown number. She paused the movie and answered the phone, she moved her H/C hair out of her face and around her ear. 

"Hello? who is this?" Y/N asked, she took a quick bite of her snack and waited for a response.

"what's your favorite scary movie... Y/N."  his voice was raspy and deep making her feel a bit creeped out. 

"How do you know my name?..." she tilted her head and ignored his question.

"That is not important, now what are you watching.. is it a horror movie hmm?" he questioned again making Y/N feel even more creeped out of him knowing that she is watching a movie.

"Well first off it isn't a horror movie... it's literally the little mermaid and the second of all my favorite horror movie is Friday the 13th. You know the guy with a hockey mask who kills horny teens.." she mumbled making the mysterious man on the phone chuckle a bit.

"Oh~, I see now... maybe we can play a small game Y/N. I'm assuming you are trying to get your mind off of things due to all of the terror you are in." she felt another chill run down her body when she heard him. She didn't really understand what was going on but she knew this man was seriously creeping her out

"Uhh.. no. I don't think I will I am seriously trying to watch a movie here and I don't feel like playing a little game whoever you are. You are also really talkative too and I am currently the worse person to actually have a conversation with" Y/N mumbled and was about to hang up until he stopped her.

"Ohh wow, You are quite different from the rest...I hope you liked the small little note I put on your nightstand too of your dear friend Marlie. No need to thank me either I know you loved it. I'm glad you know my name now too." Y/N gasped and went into a panic, she then looks to her right to see a ghost face climbing right in her window. 

She screamed in terror and threw her popcorn bowl at his head which was the only thing near her, he didn't even flinch he just stood there in confusion. She then ran right towards her front door but saw that Ghostface was behind her. She then kicked him in his crotch before he can even try to grab her. She snatched her phone and shoved it in her pocket quickly,She ran upstairs and looked for any windows, she heard him coming up the stairs making her instantly panic. She ran to her room and slammed the door shut, she locked it and looked right at her window. She heard Ghostface bang on the door which made her squeak even more. She then tried to unlock her window as her hands were shaking making it even more difficult. She was panicking already and she honestly did not know what to do, tears prickled up in her eyes as she tried to unlock her window but saw that it was jammed in.

She finally unlocked the window and opened it quickly only to hear her door be kicked down, before she can jump out she heard him kick down the door. She then leaped out of the window and fell straight to the ground with a thud. She panicked and looked up to see Ghostface waving at her in a teasing way.

She then felt the body aches start to form from falling out of a building, she then ran and ran until she was sobbing for help. Ghostface's heart ached as he wasn't really even trying to hurt her but oh well, he had to wait until it was a perfect time but something in him made him feel really bad for seeing how scared she looked but he shook it off. 

Obsession...(Ghostface x Reader)18+Where stories live. Discover now