Chapter Thirteen

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(Im just going to focusing on second pov)

You fixed your H/L hair and applied some perfume just a little bit, you then smile seeing how pretty you looked. You then put your shoes on and quickly got some money, you make your way downstairs and opened your fridge for a drink. 

"You take forever," you scream and put your hand over your chest, you look behind you to see Danny, he was wearing a grey hoodie with his sleeves rolled up revealing many tattoos with his baggy pants with dock boots. You blush slightly seeing how handsome he looked, he smiled and walked up to you. 

"You look pretty toots, are you ready to go?" he crossed his arms, you look up at the tall intimidating man as you nod slowly.

You two then walk out of the door while he explained that he wasn't very good at interacting with others so he needs you to speak for him which didn't bother you at all but you questioned yourself if he had social anxiety or is just shy. Danny and you walked hopped into the local bus, you found a seat and he sat right next to you. His arm slightly around your shoulder. You looked at his many tattoos on his arms but also seeing some scars here and there making you curious too. You saw a small symbol with a skull which was very fascinating. 

You wondered if he was ever scared of getting tattoos, it was a silly question obviously he isn't scared of that but you wondered if he had a true deep fear. You knew he was a serial killer but everybody has fear at some point right?

"Do you have a fear?..or a phobia?" you look at him directly at his two different colored eyes. He shrugged a bit and cleared his throat before speaking.

"Ladybugs scare me, don't tell anyone though," he said making you giggle, wow a whole scary man scared of a simple bug.

"well I think bugs are cool but I meant by a fear of something happening?.. or just a deep fear- Not sure if you have one.. I'm sure everybody has a fear right Danny?" his face went a bit blank and it was a bit quiet for a sec.

"I'm scared of completely losing it and losing all of my emotions at once, from all the lives I've taken each time my face just stares blank. No smiling, no laughing, no feeling guilty just nothing. Now I have another fear of losing a girl like you that popped up in my life," he whispered quietly. You frowned at his response to your question, you felt your heartache to see that the man frown.

"I'm sure you won't Danny... Yes, murdering is wrong but you can change right?... I'm not forcing you to because it isn't my duty yet I think maybe I can help? now realizing how much you care for me ever since I met you in the cafe." she whispered back to him, he smiled softly and nodded at her request.

"Do you have a fear? I'm pretty sure you do but I'm not quite sure. Is it dying? just like everyone else's?" he asked making you shake your head in disagreement.

"No, I'm not afraid of dying- I'm just afraid of being alone- mentally and physically mostly mentally because the thought of it scares me. I rather die with someone who caused it or to be with me as I die rather than be left alone to die slowly... it's scary," you said softly, he realized how you are different from the rest.

"I chose to stick with the toxic people in my life because I felt like they were all I have, years and years with me always being left behind-at least I was never alone. Only degraded and unhappy but not alone. My ex mistreated me so much and made me believe that if I ever chose to leave him nobody would ever want me anymore." she giggled quietly while Danny stayed quiet, he gently grabbed your hand making your cheeks redden a bit. His big hand covering yours...

"Your way different from the rest, you've been through a lot, and now that your finally free it makes me feel happy knowing that I helped. Hmm well, maybe not really since I did take away lives but that's beside the point- does that bother you?" 

Obsession...(Ghostface x Reader)18+Where stories live. Discover now