Chapter Fourteen

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You were eating some snacks watching some TV ever since Danny disappeared all of a sudden after last night, you didn't think that much of it and you fiddled with the edge of your phone case waiting if Danny would text you something. You ate your snacks quietly and wondered about all the other friends you used to have, some were at the party and some decided not to come but you never heard from anyone at all. In fact, you didn't receive calls, texts, or visits from anyone. You felt a bit sad seeing how they really didn't care for you at all.. not even a little bit. 

You scroll through your old photo gallery seeing how many photos you had with your ex and your friends. You knew they didn't care for you at all at this point but something felt off, Ned canceled at the last second which is good but you wondered why he wasn't seeing any of your texts at all. You sigh and switch the TV channels a bit until you stumble upon the news, they were talking about some animal shelter until something got your attention.

"The murders of Toby, Allison, Marie, Ellie, Jack but was caused by his mistress, Reiley, Norman, Peter, Samantha, and some others have been found dead in the past month. Nobody knows who has been causing these young adult's death. We later found some body parts in a trash bag of a person who is Named Ned Callion, a 26-year-old young man was butchered into pieces and they somehow also knew the rest of the people who have passed away." Your eyes widen as they pull out a picture of Ned's dead body parts including his crushed phone.

You knew Toby, Allison, Marie, and Jack were killed by Danny but you didn't know the rest were killed as well. You felt your heart race realizing Danny has been doing more killing sprees and you had no idea. Those people didn't even do anything to you, not that you know of but they were people who you knew since middle school. You gasp seeing the bodies of them making you gag, you ran to the bathroom and slightly throw up just a bit. You sobbed holding your stomach feeling sick. Danny has been hiding this all from you and now that Ned was found dead you realize he isn't only killing the people who hated you. But he is killing the people who know you, you started to shake out of fear not knowing what to do. You knew Danny would NEVER hurt you but the fact that he is doing all of this just because of you. Innocent lives were taken and you were friends with the one person who caused all of it.

You heard one of your windows slide up making you freeze, you sob more and quickly cover your mouth. You peeked over from the bathroom doorway to see Danny staring at the tv and the scattered snacks. His fist tightened and he turned off the TV, your eyes widen seeing he was looking right at you.

He comes right up to you making you instantly cry out of anger, you weren't afraid of Danny but you were afraid of what he was doing. 

"You were hiding all of this from me, Danny?! Ned didn't even do anything he was my friend!! so were the others I don't recall of them ever being bad friends!" You screamed at him with tears in your eyes, you saw him just glare at you.

"Those are lives Danny even if they did mess up my life it doesn't mean they can lose theirs!!! I still have feelings all of this is overwhelming!!!" you shoved him slightly but he didn't move an inch, his glare was just blank... emotionless and empty. Full of emptiness inside of it too...

You sobbed as your body trembled, he took away thirteen lives in total... you were only just a college student and you were watching the one person you see as good take away other lives JUST because of you. Because the way your smile is, the way you talk, the way you show your kindness... the way you look when you are scared, the way you cry in anger, the way you tremble... that was Danny's obsession. Everything about you he loved, he wanted you to himself because nobody has ever got him this interested and he never meant to make you sob... he just wanted to help yet he did it in the worse possible way because that's the only thing he believes into doing.

Obsession...(Ghostface x Reader)18+Where stories live. Discover now