so we meet again

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Today was the day, after three excruciatingly long and lonely years Asami was getting ready to see her best friend in the flesh. To say she was nervous was one spirit of an understatement.

She wasn't sure exactly how she should feel, so the heiress simply thought it better to shove her emotions deep down until after their dinner reservations were over. Whatever the residual effects of the day might be, it was nothing an expensive bottle of wine couldn't fix.

"What to wear? What to wear..." she murmured to herself as she went through the various clothes hung in her large walk-in closet.

"I guess this'll have to do. It's lunch. Just lunch." she sighed to herself as she picked a standard 'day out' outfit.

Deep down she knew it wasn't 'just lunch'. Not when Korra would be there, sitting next to her for the first time in over three years. The last time she saw the young Avatar she was being wheeled onto a large boat and being shipped to the Southern Water Tribe for a two week healing trip. A naive thought, looking back, she should have known it would be much longer.

Now she was here in Republic City doing spirit knows what. The thought of driving over to Air Temple Island to make an early surprise visit had crossed her mind about a dozen times in the past hour. She hesitantly decided against it, they would see each other in about twenty minutes anyways.

"Shit- I'm going to be late!" she yelped, pulling on the outfit, her signature Future Industries jacket, A black pencil-skirt, and some stockings. Then opting to touch up her red lipstick and head downstairs to start her car.

"Off so soon Miss Sato?" Akeno, the older butler of the estate said, holding the door to the garage open for her as she made her way out of the mansion.

"Yes, I have some... business to attend to. I'll be home later tonight." she replied, wincing at the hesitation she had with talking about Korra.

Was it really still that hard to talk about her? The Non-bender pondered to herself. She had hoped whatever feelings she had for Korra had resided over time, it had been made clear to her Korra didn't feel the same. It wasn't worth getting hurt again, was it?

"Okay, have a good time, is there anything you need done around the estate while you're gone?" he inquired.

Asami smiled, Akeno had worked for them for years. Asami grew up being taken care of by the man when her mother and father had a business trip. Even more often after her mom had passed. The heiress thought he was one of the kindest men she knew.

"No, everything is fine around here. Why don't you take the night off."

"Are you sure Miss Sato?" he said, clearly stifling a gasp at the engineer's sudden good mood.

"Yes, I'm sure. Go enjoy your night. And call me Asami, I'd like to think we're that close."

"Thank you so much miss Sa-... Asami. Have a good evening." Akeno exasperated.

"You as well." she replied, hopping into her newly painted car.

Driving through the streets of Republic City city was refreshing, even though she did it every day, something about this seemed new.

Her mind wandered to Korra. Especially since she hadn't seen many of the renovations done over the past three years. Asami quickly found herself hoping Korra liked the changes as much as the rest of the citizens did.

The car ride was short, and much to her disbelief she actually ended up being early. Earlier than Mako or Korra at least, really she should have been expecting that. Time apart didn't change the fact that she was always the most prepared out of their group.

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