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"Are you sure it looks good?" Asami asked, wiping a bit of oil onto her white tank top and standing back to look at the first official Mecha-Suit prototype.

"Listen, I'm no engineer but this looks amazing. How does it work?" Korra replied.

Asami taught her everything about the design; the materials used, why her and Varrick opted for one design over another similar one, the issues they had so far, even the inspiration for the project. Korra tried her best to understand, though she was never skilled quite like Asami in these types of settings.

Nonetheless, Asami gladly answered all of her questions. Explaining everything as well as she possibly could until all the missing pieces clicked together. It wasn't just that she was curious about the project although it was interesting to say the least.

The most intriguing thing was Asami herself. The way her lips curled upward whenever she figured out a solution. Or the way her piercing green eyes lit up when she got lost in the conversation. Even what Korra thought was a small blush when she handed Asami the exact tool she needed without being asked.

They were a well oiled machine, working together in the same room once again. For Asami, it was definitely something she needed getting used to as well. In fact the way Korra tilted her head slightly to the side like a confused puppy threw her for a loop the first time.

Then it hit her that Korra had always made that look when she was confused, ever since they'd first met. She made that same look when Asami suggested that they go race car driving years ago. So why did she feel so different now?

"This is- Wow- I don't even know what to say. It's amazing Asami. You are amazing." Korra gushed, unwilling or rather unable to hide her admiration.

"Thank you, although I do have to give some of the credit to Varrick."

"Screw Varrick! Are you kidding? This was all you, I'm so proud of you." the Avatar said, ushering closer and placing her hand on Asami's thigh.

"Look. The way I see it. You stayed, even when things got hard. No matter how much Varrick helped- all I see when I look at this is you."

"You're proud of me?" Asami whispered, her lips trembling.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Korra teased, pushing the stray hairs from the CEO's ponytail back behind her ear.

No one ever said that to her, not since she could remember. Maybe her mom said it once, in a memory she had long since forgotten. Perhaps her dad said it before he became a hollow shell of the man he once was. Circumstances aside; Korra was here giving her approval, telling her she was worth every ounce of praise she was receiving for the first time in her life.

And for once, it was enough. Asami didn't question whether it was a cruel joke. Or when it would be taken from her because unlike most things in life Korra wasn't cruel. She was kind, loving, and simply good.

"Why are you crying? This is a good day." Korra whispered, pulling her in for a hug.

"Would you believe me if I told you I was happy?" Asami sniffled and rubbed her cheek against part of Korra's shoulder and burying her head into her neck.

"This time I might. I'm happy too. So, so happy." Korra sighed, contently.

Korra wasn't sure how long they stayed there like that. Maybe it was only a few minutes, perhaps it was more like hours. She could feel the small damp spot from Asami's tears dry up as time went on. Yet she didn't move, too afraid that any suddenness would scare her friend away because in reality she was scared herself.

Her heart was pounding, and she couldn't think straight when Asami's arms were wrapped around her neck, when her own arms were around the engineer's waist. Finally, after some contemplation, Asami reluctantly pulled away. Unsure of what Korra was thinking, if Korra even was thinking, spirits know she wasn't.

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