The happy couple

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Asami walked up to Air Temple Island. The sun had just started to peak it's head out from the horizon. Shedding a new light on the misty atmosphere of the Island and city. Varrick was already working on setting up the last of the decorations. Seeming to have made good on his promise of giving his soon-to-be-wife, a wedding to remember.

She was halted by Meelo, Jinora, and Ikki. All incessantly trying to convince her to set off the fireworks. It took more than ten minutes to for her and Jinora to convince the two smaller kids that this was not a great idea. Meelo finally backed off when Asami reminded him that Varrick made them as a present for Zhu Li, who had worked so hard along with the airbenders.

Rohan stumbled over nearby. Falling at Asami's feet, getting up, and holding his arms up in a wordless plea to be carried. He and Asami had spent alot of time babysitting for Tenzin and Pema while Korra was away. She had always taken a liking to them, but now she cared for them as if they were her siblings.

Pema soon walked over. "I can take him for you Asami. He must have wandered off while I was gathering Lychee nuts from the garden."

"That's all right. I think me and Rohan are gonna catch up a little. If thats okay?"

"Of course." Pema replied, her shoulders going lax. Causing Asami to chuckle.

She knew how overwhelming it was to live on the island. Especially as one of the caretakers. With all the children and Acolytes running rampant. Causing trouble and making a mess where ever they went. Asami cradled the young boys back making baby talk in response to his babbles and giggles.

"Should we go vist Korra? I think we should. What do you think Rohan?" Asami giggled in a singsong voice.

"Is she still sleeping? I bet she's still sleeping. C'mon let's go wake her up."

Asami made her way to the corridors, down the long hallway, and outside of Korra's door. Knocking to see if she was up after all. Korra had told her that she'd be training all day yesterday so she assumed that she'd slept in. After a couple moments with no answer Asami opened the door and walked in.

Naga barked, once, twice. Calming when she noticed the familar face. Korra only stirred for a minute. Mumbling angrily at Naga to hush and rolling to face the door, still unaware of Asami's presence.

"Korra." Asami whispered. Setting Rohan on the bed between them and kissing her forehead. "You should get up so you can get ready. We promised Varrick we would help out."

Korra groaned into her pillow. Peeking up and meeting Rohan's wide eyes, he jumped back in suprise, holding his belly as he giggled. "What's the little man doing here? Hi Rohan." Korra murmered.

Asami leaned down, taking in Korra's light musk and kissing her. "What can I say? You know I like spending time with the little ones. Pema didn't seem to mind."

"Good morning. You didn't say it when you came in." Korra mumbled.

Asami layed down on the bed as Rohan played some sort of peek-a-boo game near their feet. "Good morning, beautiful." she whispered.

"I should be saying that to you..."

Korra's eyes wandered down the expanse of her dark red dress. The lace draped over the sleeves, expensive sequins lining the chest, and leaving everything below her knees bare. Her body moved before her mind caught up with it. Asami shamelessly watched her abs move through the thin white tank top she wore as she sat up. Stretching her arms out as wide as she could and taking a breath.

"I'll meet you out there love." Asami whispered. Kissing her cheek once again and guiding Rohan out of the small room.

Korra's hand ghosted over the layer of skin Asami's lips had been pressed on only moments ago. She stepped out of her pajamas, smiling at the hickey left on the apex of her inner thigh, still purple from a couple of days ago. She pulled her dress on. Then, brushed her messy hair and walked out into the plaza. Pema handed her a glass of Lychee juice to start the morning, the drink tasted sweet as she took a sip.

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