and the battle begins

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Asami climbed out of the saddle and carefully sat next to Korra on Oogi's upper back as they flew back to Republic City to deliver the news of their failed mission. Her palms were sweaty and she wasn't sure if she was doing the right thing by trying to bring this up now. Then again, she wasn't sure if she was ever in the right to begin with.  It wasn't her place to stop the Avatar of all people from doing her duty.

Even if it was, it wasn't like Korra was going to listen. They sat awkwardly for a moment, neither wanting to be the first one to break the silence. The CEO turned around, both Mako and Bolin seemed to be distracted; still arguing about the spirit weapon and how to take it out later on.

"I'm sorry." Korra said, tensely before the older girl got the chance to say anything.

"No, you shouldn't be. I'm sorry. Your trying to save the world and instead of helping you I'm trying to hold you back." Asami sighed.

Then it hit the young Waterbender. Asami cared, she cared so much and she didn't even know it- or if she did know it wasn't a big deal. Because to her it was what people did, they cared for each other and gave that same love to others.

For her, things were different in the past years it felt like all the world did was take from her until there was nothing left. In some ways she knew the world seemed to treat the CEO similarly leaving them to pick up the broken pieces of their life alone.

But Asami cared and she did it without expectation as if Korra had done something to deserve it; in her mind she had done no such thing. Spirits, she didn't even stop to think that Asami had her own feelings and fears about the whole situation.

"No you.. you had a good reason. You want me safe, which is more than others like Raiko can say." she murmured.

"I've just never had anyone who cared about me that much." she admitted.

"No matter what happens, remember that I care about you and that I love you." Asami said, glancing over to the boys, unsure if that was too forward of a statement.

She didn't seem to care, not anymore, she wanted Korra to know how she felt about her. Asami wanted Korra to know she was loved in all the ways she felt deprived of the last three years, and that she would always be there if she felt that way again.

"Everything's going to be okay. I promise." Korra said, pulling the reins back as they landed on Air Temple Island.

Su and the twins as well as Raiko, Pema, and Tenzin all ran outside to meet Team Avatar as they made their descent. The younger woman jumped off the bison and ran towards them

"Korra, are you alright? Why are you back so soon?" Tenzin asked.

The look of worry on everyone's face, even Mako and Bolin's was crushing. It felt as if in that moment the only person she wasn't disappointing was Asami. Regardless, she went on to explain their run in with Kuvira and her army, as well as how they must have known Zhu Li had the information.

"What are you trying to say?" Raiko impatiently quipped.

"Kuvira's army is only a few hours away." Korra revealed. 

"No they can't be, We're not ready!" Tenzin growled.

It was true; there was still so much to do wether it was evacuation efforts or creating weapons for defense efforts. This was happening prematurely and any upperhand they thought they had was officially gone.

"And that spirit weapon of hers is attached to a giant mecha suit, it's over twenty five stories tall." Korra explained.

The engineer shivered at the image in her mind, that damn suit as tall as some of the mountains themselves, and in a few hours Korra would be running right into that danger. Raiko ordered Lin to inform General Iroh the attack was happening today, and Tenzin asked Pema to find Wu and get the last of the citizens or Republic City to safety.

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