bittersweet tragedy

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A//N: TW for heavy topics like ptsd, depression, and anxiety. Nothing super heavy, mostly just behaviors and struggles people with these illnesses might face. I personally headcanon Asami as a charecter with depression and anxiety, and obviously Korra has PTSD. So I'm trying my best to accuarately potray these feelings based on my experience with depression and anxiety. I do not suffer from PTSD so if anyone has suggestions on how to properly go about talking about that please don't be afraid to comment or dm me. My goal is to accurately represent any struggle I write about and I wouldn't write about such a thing if I wasn't familiar about it but Korra's PTSD is part of her story and something that cannot be ignored so I intend to go through with writing it in the best light possible.

(Sorry about the long author's note, it just needed to be said.)

"I need to treat your ribs." Korra said as Asami sat on top of the countertop. The room was dim, her head was pounding but she wanted to make sure Asami was okay before anything else.

"Okay." The CEO whispered in a raspy voice; it hurt to talk, to move, everything hurt.

In her head it played all over again; her dad pressing the ejection button, the hand of that mecha giant coming down, the broken hummingbird suit hitting the ground, her sitting near the wreckage later that day heartbroken and a complete mess like she was a child once again.

"Do you mind if I... you know?" Korra said, pointing to Asami's shirt. "You can keep it on if you want but it'll be quicker if-"

She paused when Asami peeled her shirt off and set it to the side. "Let's just get this over with."

The waterbender turned on the spout of the sink, bent the water that came out, and applied it to her skin. Asami shifted in discomfort at the temperature of the water.

"Sorry, cold water works better." she explained.

She worked on superficial wounds first. It took longer than expected, she was a skilled healer but Asami had been covered from head to toe in nicks and scratches. After that was done she moved on to the bigger bruise on her side. The shorter woman tried to be careful to not hurt Asami but she was clearly uncomfortable, everytime she increased the pressure her whole body would tense. Only to wince as she released it.

"Does it hurt?" Korra asked, knowing this was more than likely one of the first healing sessions she'd ever had.

The thing about healing was that it hurt, not all the time. A small scratch won't be that much of a burden but if you were to break a bone for example, the trauma on your body is much worse. Healing through waterbending exaggerates and quickens the healing process which takes a toll on your body. So even though the bruise wasn't horrible it made it more painful to heal it in such a way, especially since it was only her second time.

"No. Not that bad, just keep going." she lied through gritted teeth.

"Sami', look at me." Korra ordered. "You have to tell me if it hurts. I can't help you unless you tell me."

"Everything hurts Korra." Asami huffed. "I watched my dad die. I almost watched you die. I-"

She stopped talking as Korra packed up the cleaning supplies and put them away. Walking back over to Asami and picking her up. The CEO had always imagined Korra picking her up like that, though she always imagined she'd be laughing and happy in her arms. Now she just settled weakly against the Waterbender's chest as Korra carried her to the living room.

"I'm not dead. I'm not going anywhere." She whispered with a sigh, setting Asami down on the couch and walking to the other side of the room to fetch some blankets.

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