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After a couple days things started to slowly return back to normal. Although she still had some things to work through. Asami's mood had evened out well, much to Korra's relief. It had been Korra's idea to start getting out more, and although the CEO was reluctant, she trusted Korra enough to let her take her out for a walk across the estate about a week after the incident. After that they slowly eased into a schedule, taking two to three walks a day.

Unfortunately, Asami still didn't want to leave the estate due to the workers that had gathered up outside her home. Lin had already been called to the premises multiple times to help control the hordes of people. Korra had managed to convince Raiko and Varrick to let her work from home. The Avatar didn't want to let Asami get back to work so soon but the heiress assured her that she would take it easy. She made good on that promise, only working an hour or two a day and using the rest of the day to take care of herself and spend time with Korra.

This specific day had been particularly uneventful; Asami had finished the statement for Beifong that she was supposed to write detailing the accident and the events of the battle from her perspective. Then, she finished some paperwork Varrick had sent her. When she complained to Korra that she was bored she suggested that they go on a walk which seemed nice enough, if you ignored the fact that they had already been on two that morning. So by the time noon rolled around she was mindlessly switching between radio stations while Korra did the dishes.

The heiress had offered to help more with chores, and Korra knew she could handle it. Something about being able to do this, to do something, even though the notion was small helped. So she refused to let the CEO clean up after herself or do any sort of chore around the house. The Waterbender knew she was driving Asami crazy but she couldn't help being overprotective. It was only a few days ago when Asami really did need that kind of treatment.

After placing the last dish on the drying rack she dried her hands off with a towel and sat on the couch next to Asami, wrapping her arms around her subconsciously, and being too afraid to pull away when she realized what she'd done. Going back on the move would mean acknowledging that she made it in the first place... and maybe Asami didn't notice.

She noticed. She hid a blush as Korra pointed to the notebook in her lap. "Is this what you're planning? For reconstruction?"

It wasn't anything big just a couple building remodels and ideas for new roadways. She tried to keep the ideas in a general perspective for the time being until Raiko gave them official plans or orders.

"Yeah. Varrick says it'll be a few months because of the election though. They want to finalize that before working on reconstruction."

Korra's face scrunched, four years of Raiko- again, she couldn't even think about it without seething.

"I know." Asami sighed, returning back to sketching the image in her mind. Determined to get the image onto paper while it was still vivid.

"I did want to talk to you about something though."

"Oh yeah? What's that?" Korra replied absentmindedly, now skipping through the stations of the radio herself.

The CEO huffed and climbed over the Avatar, accidentally brushing against her chest as she took the device out of her hands and turned it off. She noticed Korra's surprise as she sat back down.

"Sorry." she chuckled. "I need you to listen though."

"I'm all ears." Korra assured. "Hey, what's wrong?"

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