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A small, pleased sigh left her throat as she woke up. Taking in the surroundings of the room she'd stayed in so many times before. This time was different because the night before Asami invited her over. They kissed, they kissed and talked, and kissed some more until at some point much later in the night they fell asleep. Asami didn't mind when Korra snuggled up in her arms as she drifted, in fact the closeness was welcomed, wanted, and encouraged.

It had been almost a month since they first kissed, keeping their relationship between them, and Kya of course. The new couple agreed that they wanted things to be completely private until they worked through all the growing pains that came with any new relationship. Although there hadn't seemed to be any, The CEO and the Avatar trusted each other. Often more than they trusted themselves, talking about their concerns was never a problem for either of them. Especially now, since everything in the city, and the world was at peace.

Asami stirred a little bit, unsure of if she was having a nightmare or simply just waking up, Korra kissed her cheek to remind the CEO that she was still there.

"That's a nice good morning call." Asami mumbled. Rubbing her eyes and sitting up a bit.

"I thought you were still asleep."

Now Korra had a flush across her cheeks. The same one she always got when she was angry, flustered, or embarrassed. She thought it was the cutest thing in the world.

"I've been in and out for a little bit." Asami replied, turning to her side and brushing the hair out of Korra's face.

She had such beautiful eyes. Asami never really realized how much she liked the color blue until Korra started becoming more to her. Her hair too sometimes she missed Korra's long hair, how every once in a while she would take it out of those wolf-tails she always wore. Though the short hair was definitely growing on her. It reminded the CEO of their first time reuniting, and all moments that lead up to where they were now.

"How long have you been watching me sleep." Asami teased.

"I- I have not been watching you sleep." Korra rebutted, only a half lie.

"Sure..." Asami grinned, as Korra draped her leg around the CEO's.

Asami leaned over, taking in Korra's presence. Her lips were soft much like her touch. They quickly melted into each other, Korra's hands at her back and Asami's arms around her neck. Korra always managed to kiss her in the way that left her gasping for air when one of them finally pulled away.

"Do you have anywhere to be today?" The Asami asked.

"A meeting with Raiko and the others in..." Korra said, turning her head over to look at Asami's clock. "Shit, two hours. I should probably get up."

"That's today?" Asami groaned.

"Yeah, are you gonna be there?"

"Gotta get back in gear. Reconstruction seems like a good place to start. Even if Raiko doesn't seem exactly willing to start yet." she huffed the last sentence.

Raiko had been a pain in her ass the last couple of days. Both Korra and Asami were trying to convince him that the citizens and their placement should be at the utmost of his concern. At first he assured them that would be the case, it wasn't. All of those displaced were still at the camps a month later and since the property was private land there was little Korra could do to help them until she got approval.

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