harrowing encounters

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For once the day had seemed to be relaxing. No special 'Avatar' business or duties to attend to. Korra was thankful for the small break, it'd been overwhelming to come back to Republic City right when the Earth Kingdom was in complete dissent but she was coping.

She had been by herself most of the day. Tenzin had some so-called 'Air-Nomad' business to attend to, meaning it was as good a time as any to sit and relax. Mainly practicing her bending and working out. The Young Waterbender was determined to get back to her former physique.

Much of her attention had been focused on Asami, their sleepover only days prior was great. Yet she couldn't get over how she felt when Asami held her, coercing her back to sleep. Like for the first time in a long time she felt safe and truly loved.

In the morning they acted as if nothing happened. The young avatar was actually quite thankful Asami didn't say anything about the incident. Another part of her was still constantly questioning if that was a normal thing or perhaps a moment between the two.

Was it possible that she had simply made the whole thing up? No, it couldn't have been that because Asami hands lingered in her hair for a few moments after she woke up. Tenderly stroking her friends scalp until they decided to go on with their day- unwilling to question or go into what had happened the night before.

That was until Opal interrupted, worried about her family. Korra felt absolutely horrible, her lackluster performance against Kuvira at Zaofu had caused Suyin and many of the Beifong's to be taken prisoner. Now, she had to sit and tell Opal there was absolutely nothing they could do about it.

Just then the sound of whirling air caught the two off guard. "Guys, there you are!" Jinora exclaimed.

The young Airbender seemed worrisome as she informed Korra about what she described as 'a weird surge of spiritual energy' from the spirit wilds.

"So much for a peaceful day." Korra thought to herself. "Let's go check it out!" she ordered, the three taking off towards the city on their gliders.

The ride to the city wasn't long and soon the three found themselves outside of the mysterious spirit wilds.

"Maybe something happened to Ryu's group." Jinora suggested.

Korra thought it unlikely, the spirits had been relatively peaceful since Harmonic Convergence ended. There also weren't many people in the city willing to mess with anything relating to the spirits. Even most of the triads knew to keep their crime out of the wilds and away from the northern and southern portals.

After a few light hearted jokes, and even more searching Jinora became even more stressed. Something just didn't seem right here.

"Korra, Can't you feel how strange the energy is?" she asked.

"No...but maybe I can get a reading."

She hoped what she said was true. Ever since her connection with Raava was severed it was harder to connect with the spirits.

Jinora and Opal watched in awe as the Avatar walked over to a thick green spirit vine. Placing her hand on the side and tapping into the spiritual energy.

The vision that came to her was bad. The site of the Banyan-Grove tree overtaken by mecha tanks, specifically recruits sent by Kuvira. Even worse, it seemed as if they were trying to collect spirit energy.

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