and the winner is...

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Helping Zhu Li and the others provide relief at the migrant sites had been a life changing experience. So many people she was able to help simply by being there. And now that Zhu Li was working on her campaign she had full access to all the sites. Camera crews came snapping pictures that made the front cover of magazines. An influx of new volunteers helped keep things under wraps.

More clothes, food, and essentials had been donated in the last week than the past couple months. Korra had just handed a clothing package to another family. One that had just arrived from Ba Sing Se when she saw Bolin waving her down. She finished handling the last half dozen families and walked over to him.

"Bo, what's going on?"

"Zhu Li wants to talk to you and Asami about housing plans."

"Right now?" Korra asked, glancing towards the line of people that had already formed once again waiting for care packages.

"After you've finished that up, of course."

She nodded, giving a slight chuckle in response. "Tell her I'll be there as soon as time allows."

"Sure thing."

Minutes later she made her way over to Zhu Li's makeshift office. Which was really just a large hut with a bunch of supplies, resting areas, and paperwork. Asami was busy sketching up some designs when Korra sat down next to her, kissing her cheek and looking curiously at the sheets. Over the pat couple of weeks they kept good on their promise not to hide from anyone anymore.

Sometimes it was difficult. Korra was proud to be with Asami, and she loved telling people about them. It was more so about her upbringing. Her tribes customs and traditions as well as her own insecurities. All things she was actively working on with and without Asami in the mix.

The CEO smiled. One of those genuine smiles that always made Korra's heart melt. "Do you wanna see what me and Zhu Li came up with."

"Of course."

Zhu Li promptly laid out a map onto the large desk in front of them.

"This is where you, Bolin, and the volunteers cleaned out all that remaining rubble. We plan to clear this out and make the plot into a whole new living area." Zhu Li said.

"There'll be houses and apartments. Shops and businesses. In a couple years it'll be like none of this mess ever happened!" Asami finished. The smile still plastered on her face.

"This... it's amazing." Korra said.

Everything was already to plan. All they had to do now was wait for the results of the election. Which were being announced later that night. Asami looked absolutely overjoyed, and Korra was so proud of her. Everything she had worked towards was finally coming true.

"How much longer until we hear the results?" Asami asked.

"They'll announce in two hours. Will you two be at the town square." Zhu Li said.

Korra could tell the former assistant was extremely nervous. Her hands shook as she talked, subtle motions Korra recognized as her own. Her hand rested on the older woman's shoulder as she spoke.

"Hey, no worries. You've got this in the bag." Korra assured without a doubt in her mind.

Asami took her time laying out the designs, putting the finishing touches on a plot meant to be the start of a new bridge. After ten minutes Korra managed to coax her out of her trance. Reminding her that they were expected to be at the celebration on Zhu Li's behalf.

"My house?" Asami questioned as she adjusted the rearview mirrors and started the engine of the car.

Korra hummed a sound of approval. Letting her hand rest on Asami's thigh as they drove off.

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