attempts at neutrality

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A//N: Just a reminder that this story is not fully canon complaint. I'm writing this here because there are a few pieces in this chapter where it won't make sense if you don't keep this in mind. Also it'll be more important as the story progresses.

Days later Asami was sitting on the couch enjoying the early morning. She flipped through the morning news paper and sipped her coffee, even having the occasional conversation with Akeno who was busy cleaning the kitchen. The radio was on some sappy love song that she was trying to ignore when a gauging buzzing sound started emitting from the device.

Both the engineer and the butler turned to the radio that was still tweaking out. Then after a moment, the static started to die out and a horrifyingly familiar voice filled the air.

"Akeno turn that up!" Asami shouted, abandoning her morning comforts and rushing over to listen to the broadcast she knew was coming from Zaofu.

"Today we stand on the precipice of history. For the past three years we've fought side by side, to unite the Earth Empire."

The words seemed to fade away as the CEO became lost in thought.

"And we've proven that no one can stand in our way, not even the Avatar." Kuvira added.

"That's not true." Asami thought to herself.

Korra would stop her, she had to. If they couldn't stop Kuvira who would? The Earth Nation, Republic City, possibly even the whole world was at stake depending on how far the dictator was willing to go.

Asami seethed in anger as she listened to Kuvira insult her friend, insult the people she'd worked with for years until she claimed that it was time to 'take back Republic City'.

"What the hell does that mean?" she exasperated, looking over to Akeno who gave her a concerned look.

"Spirits, I've got to go talk to Korra!" she yelled


Korra set up for an emergency meeting with Raiko after hearing the news about Kuvira's announcement on the radio. Tenzin, Prince Wu, Mako, and President Raiko were all present. She had called Asami but there was no answer from her house phone or even her office phone.

The Avatar knew there was more important matters at hand and that Asami was more than likely just busy. Still, she couldn't help but wonder if Asami had gotten home safely the night they spent together. She hadn't talked to or seen the CEO since, being to nervous to call or visit.

Maybe she should have but what was she going to say? Her feelings for Asami had only grown stronger, even when Korra initially thought they had subsided or that they were never actually there in the first place. She couldn't ignore them now because they were there and she knew they were real.

The only problem was she didn't know if the engineer would feel the same.

"How's the investigation going?" Korra asked Mako and Prince Wu, trying to ignore her underlying thoughts for the moment and focus on the situation at hand.

"Could be better. At this point we've evacuated almost..." the prince admitted, looking down at the paper and grimacing. "eighteen families."

"Only eighteen?" Korra repeated. "There are millions in this city!"

They had to figure out how to get everyone out and fast, Korra knew deep down that this wasn't something that was going to die down anymore. This battle was happening whether she liked it or not. All she could do was hope she was ready. She had to be ready, another defeat like Zaofu would mean the fall of Republic City. Kuvira's reign had to be ended one way or another.

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