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After a long day at work Asami made her way back home, she was debating on whether she should invite Korra over for a sleepover. They used to have them all the time before the attack, when they finally started becoming closer. Whether it was in the Sato mansion during their short break between Harmonic Convergence and the Red Lotus, or sneaking into each other's rooms at Zaofu they always had the best of times.

Things had changed drastically, she knew that. Deep down she knew Korra felt it too. Tenzin had always told them "when we hit our lowest point we are open to the greatest change." a quote from his Airbending father, of course.

It was true, Korra had definitely hit her lowest point. In ways Asami witnessed first hand, in other ways she couldn't possibly imagine. With that she changed, the engineer felt it the first time they reconnected. The once melodramatic and hot headed teen she grew to love was now a kind, compassionate, and even patient adult.

But she had also changed as well, through her father's betrayal. Then almost losing her company and having to fight tooth and nail to get it back. Finally, and likely the most painful, watching Korra risk her life and almost die in the process, and losing her for what felt like an eternity.

It was scary realizing how much they both changed in those three years. Her hands trembled as she picked up the telephone and rang the number to the Air Temple Island router. Was it a good idea? Should she wait until a better time?

"Tenzin speaking, how may I help you." the Airbender spoke articulately.

Asami  took a deep breath, putting the speaker close enough so that he could hear. "It's... Asami. Is Korra busy? I needed to speak with her."

"She's not busy at the moment. I'll send an Air Acolyte to grab her. Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Everything's good. Great actually, I was going to ask her if she wanted to stay over. I'm not interfering with any training am I?"

"Nope." he replied, "She's all yours."

Obviously Asami knew what he meant by the phrase but nonetheless she still felt a slight flutter in her stomach, it didn't help that soon after Korra started speaking.

"Hey Sami' how's it going?" Korra asked, trying to sound like she hadn't just ran over from across the island to take this call.

Spirits, she loved Korra's voice. Not hearing it for three years had taken its toll.

"Good, thanks for asking... Did you... want to maybe come over and spend the night?" she said, barely whispering the last part.

"Like old times?" Korra asked joyfully.

Asami could feel her breathtaking smile through the phone and couldn't help but reciprocate the same happiness, letting the nervousness she felt slip away, if only for a moment. The fact that Korra was so excited for things to get back to any sense of normalcy made her excited.

Regardless of the uncertainty with the Earth Empire she knew one thing for sure. She had Korra and that was enough.

"How was your day?" Asami questioned, realizing she hadn't thought to ask yet.

She knew Korra had probably been pretty busy with training but she loved listening to her friend talk about her day, talking in general. Just as she thought, Korra had spent most of the day training.

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