Files Upon Files

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Piko held his breath, waiting for Al to leave the premises. He lingered for a while, starring down at Mayu and Fukase's healing bodies. He couldn't see the expression on Al's face, but knowing his sympathetic nature, he was most likely whispering hushed prayers of recovery.

Once Al left, leaving behind his lantern, Piko crept towards his friend's bodies. Fukase's skin looked smooth and slightly moist, vaguely resembling a wax doll. His breathing was deep; he looked to truly be at peace. It looks like a funeral, Piko thought, a sudden melancholy filling with softly. He turned over to shine the lantern over Mayu. She looked to be in a soft, painful dream. He blew breath over her eyes, trying to make sure she wasn't conscience. She didn't react, and Piko sighed in relief. The two of them next to each other, Piko saw the similarities between them. Fukase was a bit taller, but they both had the same complexion. They had similar features as well; both having big, bright eyes and a pointed, button nose. Looking closer at Mayu's body, he noticed something. A deep, dim scar rested neatly on the left side of her chest. 

That was odd, I'd never noticed that before. He'd fitted her for costumes multiple times, and never once noticed it. Then again, practices and fittings, and circus life in general moved so quickly they'd never had time to do as much as catch their breath every once and a while. 

Something else he'd noticed was a small, crack-like scar on her arm. It looked painful, but he'd never heard Mayu even mention it. He starred for a while longer, creating theories of his new discoveries. Master must have been having with the two, testing all sorts of things out with their peculiar bodies. Master must know so much about Mayu. More than Mayu even knew about herself. She'd always talked about not belonging and feeling misplaced...could Master have the answers to all of her burning questions? Piko thought for a while longer. He made the decesion to explore more, beyond Mayu and Fukase's room. 

Master's cart was dark, with drapes and elegant lace curtains hung about. Piko longed to have the luxury of wearing lace. The simple pinafore-esc linen dress and white shirt&pants he wore was getting old. Piko longed to wear elegant fabrics like Master did, but now wasn't the time to long for such luxuries. 

Beyond Mayu and Fukase's room was the end of the cart, with two little rooms. In the first room was an empty office, with a small wooden table and not much else. The furthermost room, the second room, was covered in all of kinds of oddities. Piko shown his lantern directly along the walls, confusion and horror taking over his mind.

There were eyes, limbs, and teeth all kept in perfect condition and sanitation on every shelf. The room was much more organized than the main room of Master's cart. There were documents, several desks and drawers and  file cabinets all stacked neatly and accordingly. There was no way Piko could go through all of the files...but he could at least find Mayu's. 


Back at the tent, with Al's returning with confidence in Mayu's condition, everyone breathed a little easier and returned to their tasks. Miku was having trouble adapting without her pink haired counterpart. Len and Rin tried they're best to help cheer her up, but her mood was still a bit sour. V also wasn't in the best mood. She sat out on the sidelines for a while, along with Miku. 

"I just don't understand why all this's is happening." Miku said weakly. "There's so much chaos. It is all so strange."

V nod. "I feel it has always been this way. It is just being brought to light now."

Miku stared down at her decrepit hands, softly straying into thought. She bit her bottom lip, holding in sharp tears. They coated her eyes, going no further.

"I think that things have truly gotten better." her voice was high and strained. V looked upon her pitifully. Miku's eyes burned more.

"Even though all of these bad things are happening...I feel we are suppose to be witnessing it. I think that's what was holding us back before."

V rested her hand in Miku's as they thought about their lost friends. Rana, Merli, Yukari: all beautiful souls gone too soon. Mayu, as much as she'd been through, had lasted longer than all of them.

"I think there is some truth to what you think." V said softly, wrapping her arm around Miku. V didn't know how to feel. So much had gone on since Mayu that she didn't have time to really digest it. Things were really about to change, but she wasn't sure if it were going to be for the better. 

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