Who's the man?

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                    Akira's POV

The first day of senior year; one more year and I am done. I go to South Point High school it is quite famous and whatever but being a student there I know the filth that goes on in there.

I took a shower and then quickly swirled into my basic black dress and slipped in a denim jacket and left my long black hair untied which went down till my waist. I put on some lip gloss and applied eyeliner and took a glance at the time, I was late........ really late

I ran downstairs saw my beautiful parents sitting beside each other and Aunt Marta serving them

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I ran downstairs saw my beautiful parents sitting beside each other and Aunt Marta serving them.

"Good morning princess!" Both of them said in unison.

My mother has flawless Carmel skin big eyes and full lips she was perfect, to say the least. My father was not too bad himself pale white skin with gold glasses and an ungrown beard which made him look like a strict businessman which he was.

"Good morning," I said hurrying towards the breakfast table and picking up a toast, and running towards our garage. My parents tried to stop me but their voice faded as I left the house.

"Hurry up Adam you gonna get your favorite member of the family late," I said taking a bite of the toast. Adam was our driver for ages and loved me as his own daughter because he never had one, he has a son though.

He dropped me off at school just in time and waving him goodbye I proceeded towards my locker when I saw a crowd formed in front of the second entrance gate. As much as my inquisitive self wanted to know why I also had to meet my friends.

I walked past the crowd and crossing the populated corridors I finally reached my locker.

"Hey love" I heard a familiar voice, Jason. He has been my best friend since forever, the three of us actually, the third one you ask? He left us where? We don't know. When? 1 yr back

"Hey flirt" I replied. He chuckled. He was a flirt, a big fat flirt, and with his brown eyes just as mine and blonde hair and perfectly toned body, no one rejected him......ever.

"How's your girlfriend?" I asked poking him with my elbow.

"Oh I forgot to tell you we broke up a few hours ago," he said without a tinge of sadness as expected.

"What is it this time? she speaks too loudly, eats too quickly....... what?" I asked annoyed

"Wanted me to meet her parents," he said rubbing his forehead.

"What? but you just dated her for like a week" I asked surprisingly as we both walked towards our class.

"I know right. She said there was a thing in their family where they were married off after passing out from school and then continue with their education." He said and had my full attention when I bumped into something or someone.

"Sorry," I said and Jason pulled me by my arm gently to make way for him.

"It's ok" the tall guy whispered and we entered our class.

The next few hours of the day went as usual.

During lunchtime, I couldn't find Jason or Mia, my other best friend. She joined our school last year and in no time became super close to us. So I went to the canteen reading the pamphlet a girl just handed me.

As I entered the cafeteria and suddenly felt all eyes on me. I awkwardly walked towards the table Mia, Jason, Kurt, Ruby, and Mary were sitting at and realized it was not me whom they were looking at it was the tall boy I stumbled upon a few hours before.

"Who's the man?" Mia enquired.

"I don't know but he makes my lesbian ass want to be straight," Ruby said and immediately regretted it as her girlfriend Mary looked at her narrowing her eyes as Ruby gulped.

But Ruby was right, previously I didn't notice his godly features brown hair, dark blue eyes, jawline so sharp that he had cut through many of the girl's
heart by now. He was wearing a black t-shirt which showed off his muscles and dark blue jeans.

He walked straight to the counter and I shifted my attention to my friends.


Here goes the first chapter. If you didn't like something please let me know would love to hear your honest opinions. Thank you for giving the book a chance. Take love ❤️❤️❤️

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