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Zac's POV

"You look hot" I said as angel walked out of the washroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around her.

"Thank you. Now go clean up we are going out" she said blow drying her hair.

I was still naked so I grabbed my boxers which were on the floor and headed towards the washroom.

"Where are we going?" I asked angel as we started our Uber ride.

"Just wait. I am sure you are gonna love it" angel said.

Well she was absolutely right. It was a restaurant but an unconventional one. It had numerous dias and it had an amazing view of the setting sun

"I forgot to tell you, dad said he already talked to the authorities and they agreed but the paperwork might take some time" I said after ordering

"That's amazing. We don't have to stay away from eachother for a long time" she said and smiled beautifully.

"Did you tell Sheldon about us?" She asked while I was quite surprised why wouldn't I?

"Yeah. They love you. They tried so hard to get us back together but I was a dumbass. Anyways why do you ask?" I asked her

"I don't want to hide anything from you Zac. Mom wanted me to date Twan and I don't think she will appreciate us getting back together" angel sighed

"I thought Teressa really liked me" I said

"She did. But after we broke up she doesn't really have the same feelings about you. But hey you don't need to get all worked up I love you and I am sure they will understand" she said and I have an unconvincing smile.

The rest of the day was practically perfect. We roamed around eat a shit load of junk food and had the best time.

Next day:

We woke up early in the morning in each other's arm. Our flights timings were about 40mins apart so we decided to go to the airport together.

The closer we got to airport the worse I felt and I think so did angel because she scooted closer to me.

As we were going to different states we had to cut our goodbyes short.

Small tear drops left angel's eyes as we broke our kiss.

"It's okay I will be at NUJS at literally no time and till then text me , send me voice mails , call me , write letters do whatever the fuck you want okay?" I said while a chuckle left her mouth.

"Now go finish all the formalities and don't you dare cry" I spoke again

"I will miss you bye" she said capturing my lips one more time

"I love you" I said and kissed her forehead

"I love you too" with that she went to the baggage counter.

2 weeks later:

Everything was quite great to be honest. We talk like every hour I have also met Sydney, Nathan, Derrick and Amy through video call. The only scary part in our relationship now was angel's parents.

Today was the day I was starting at NUJS but I didn't tell angel about this. She will be so damn surprised. I told her I will be busy today so I can't call her, she seemed upset but didn't contradict.

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