Annoying Step Brother

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As i wake up to the sound of my mum tell my dad to get out of our house. Its mostly like this ever since my dad cheated and got a girlfriend he broke my mums heart and my trust that is unfortunately unforgivable in my mums book.

As i get ready for school and have a hour to get there i take a detour i run into a blonde haired kid and this cute boy arguing. Ugh boys i think to myself as i roll my eyes and walk past both boys stop and look at me i take no notice.

My mother had already found a new boyfriend and he had a son and surprisingly looked similar to that kid i saw earlier not the cute one the other one.
I think his name is Creve or something.Whatever it didnt bother me.

As the school day passed and everyone was crowding around something. It looked like a fight between the boys earlier.
But i payed no attention as i was being picked up by mum soon.

A while pasted since school and my mums boyfriend was downstairs with her and they were talking suddenly my door knob opened and in peeked that blonde boy from earlier his face went pale...

Days have pasted since i found out Steve was my new soon to be step brother. As we went to school he would bug me about like why is your hair that colour and why is my eye colour like that and stuff like that it got really annoying.

As soon as we got to school he left me to go talk to some girl Claire or something.
I was pulled to the side as i was walking to class by that cute boy i saw earlier this week and he looked really nervous as if he were to puke.

He stumbled on his words until i figured out what he was trying to say he said like the words me you like kiss girlfriend and stuff like that it was adorable.

That innocent man was adorable and i giggled he looked at me confused and scared until i pulled him into a kiss which he MELTED INTO.(Bottom Jimmmmmm)
He started moaning as i slid my tongue into his mouth and started trying to bring me closer it was kinda cute.

A few weeks have pasted and i have a boyfriend now it was that boy that i kissed a few weeks back and i found out he liked me for months and his name was Jim Lake.

Not gonna lie he is really a bottom and i dig it.

Word count 450 words

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