Imagine #2

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•When you guys argue

Jim is usually not one to argue unless its serious but sometimes he gets angry with you and you have arguements about why you shouldn't troll hunt with him
Ending up usually he the one who apologizes and makes it up to you by taking you on dates

•When he catches someone staring at you

He usually does what he does when someone hits on you or he comes up to you and pulls you away from that persons view

• When you catch someone staring at Jim a.k.a Claire

Usually your not the jealous type but when they cross the line you either tell the to back off or you go up to Jim and hug him and turn him so they can't see the person but you can and you just stick your tongue out

•When you french kiss

When you guys french kiss is usually at home or when Jim is jealous which is majority at school and public places.
When you do though he usually takes the lead when he's jealous but when he's not and your at home you sit on his lap and french kiss him and leave him at that to make him want more and usually he comes after you begging for more

A/N: Sorry this is a short chapter and sorry i haven't posted in a long tim but please do leave me request to motivate me to do more for you guys

Word count: 250 words!

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