Why dont you love me #7

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Jim's P.O.V
I always think back to what had happened and how i hurt her in more than just physical.
She been on my mind forever why did i cheat on her why.....

She was my everything my lifes sunshine then i go and do shi# like this.I fu$@ed up i miss them so much it hurts...

Narrator P.O.V

Jim was sitting in the corner of his bedroom on his bed crying thinking of the one he loved and had lost.

Many months have passed since you found out that jim was cheating on you and its been two months since you left the hospital and its been a month since you last saw Jim.
You couldn't help but think of all the times you guys did things but soon enough he came back to ask you for forgiveness.
Out of the kindness in your heart you forgave him but you sister did not(me).

*time skip for like 4 years*

Its been 4 years since that fiasco and thank goodness its over. Youve been dating Jim for the past 2 years and not once has he cheated again he still apologizes for what he did to you and always gives you atleast a gift a week and saying that you are to kind to forgive him.

Well your sister on the other hand has no where nearly forgiven him but accepts the fact you dating to see you happy. Claire is now dating a guy named Bradley(ahem if ykyk).

*time skip 10 years*

This was the happiest day of your life the day that you child had been brought to this world.
(B/g = babys gender)
Your b/g had been named C/n Maddy
Lake. (c/n = childs name)

You named her middle name after Madeline your sister who had pasted away 4 months prior from a car crash when she was driving to your house (r.i.p me).

The End

In the future

Your Childs P.O.V

You didn't think i wouldn't get a word did you???

The end
Word count 345 words =)

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