Fluffy cuddles!

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Jim's P.O.V
I hate troll hunting sometimes yeah sure its fun and exciting but i was having a fun make out session with Y/n and then i started seeing goblins running down the road outside my window.
They usually comes troll hunting with me but they're injured from our last battle at the dentist.

I walk into my room and see Y/n just laying in my bed i thought they were awake but i turned them around and saw them sleeping so i quickly got changed and got in bed with y/n and damn how long has it been since we've had a cuddle session
So i just layed there hold y/n in my arms slowing drifting off into dreamland....

Why do trolls and goblins like to get Jim at the MOST ANNOYING moments like we were making out in his room while our mums are on a road trip with 2 others so we were staying together he had to leave so i stayed in his room just drawing and watching youtube but i then heard the door creak and it was Jim coming back and i think he thought i was asleep so i pretended to be he got changed and came to snuggle as soon as he was asleep i kissed him and layed my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat falling asleep to the mellow sounds of his snoring...

The Next Day

I woke up to the feeling of two strong arms around my waist i looked up and saw him just staring at me with blush coating his ears and cheeks ,man I'm lucky to have him with me.
We just layed there looking into each others eyes and the occasional kiss or neck kiss.

Word count: 304 words :P

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