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As I walked around town looking through the shops and what not I saw a small shop named 'Pet For You' and decided to step in naturally everyone would know this is a pet shop all except me. I walked around the shop and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the cutest little white dog ever in the cage that said 'to be put down tomorrow' which made me sad. The store lady had come up to me and said that this dog will bite people so best to get a different dog so I don't get hurt or anything but I refused I opened the cage and looked it dead in the eye and smiled which to he replied with a bark and ran towards me. I picked him up and carried him like a baby to which he fell asleep quickly, everyone who worked in the store was now staring at me and was amazed at how I got him to fall asleep.

Time skip

I brought him home to my house and prepared food for the both of us and midway he came up be barked at me which was adorable. He sat down by my feet and just followed me around the house until I went toilet which he stayed outside and just scratched at the door.

Time skip

Jim had come over and we were watching a movie when my little doggy came over and sat on my lap and fell asleep to which I leaned into Jim's shoulder to cuddle him and we just feel asleep. My last thoughts before falling asleep were I think I'll name you Floofy.

Word count: 284 words 😎

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