Claire x FemaleY/n

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A/N: To the person who requested this I am so sorry for the late reply but here it is

You have had the biggest crush ever since you've laid your eyes on Claire, your a big theatre nerd and often used to do plays in your primary school. You are quite popular and super cool 😎 (just like in real life I'm betting)

You know out of all the fairytales and books I've read I think Romeo and Juliet are my favorite, the story is so sad but it warms my heart and I just love it. It's now time for auditions of Romeo and Juliet in my school I hope I get it. Though Romeo is typically played by a male I thought why not.

POV Claire
It's struggling to have to do the rehearsal without Jim,I mean why try out for it when your not going to commit?
The understudy who I've found out has the name of Y/n has become a great Romeo.
Why can't Jim be like Y/n...


POV Claire
God this is annoying Jim's been skipping practice for who knows how long. He's only been here for 4 rehearsals and we've had 23 already so he's missed 19 REHEARSALS!

POV  Y/ n
It's been 2 week and I'm am the understudy for Romeo after the Lake kid he never come to practice so ms.Janice said if he misses two more rehearsals I become the lead!
I was made the official Romeo 2 weeks ago and tonight Is the day of the play. Gosh I'm getting goosebumps just thinking of it!

Day of the Play

POV Claire
Good going Jim now that you've missed more than 75% of your rehearsals you've become the understudy and Y/n has become the lead.
Ive come to find out that Y/n is quite popular among people and to be fair they are quite attractive with their (hair colour) hair, their bright eyes and their soft looking lips.
God my mind is just clouded with y/n.....

I'm kinda looking forward to the kiss now....

*At the kiss bit*

Narrator POV (hehe it's me)
"So I shall kiss thy lips"or something on those lines.

Y/n does not intend to kiss her lips just make it seem like it but Claire opens one eye and raises her head ever so slightly so that their lips would touch. They both burst into a blushing fit and the play continues on.
After the play comes to a close y/n pulls Claire aside and kisses her lips ever so softly.

"I thought you would never like me back."
They said in sync.

Word count: 465
Thank you for reading and I'm sorry I've been dead for awhile!

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