Why Dont You Love Me...

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(This takes part after he leaves Arcadia with Claire)

Its been months since he's texted me or even called me but whenever i go to his mums she acts really weird as if she's as hiding something from me.

I tried calling him but he keeps rejecting my calls i don't know what to do anymore.

I decide to go to Tobes house but when i got there i heard Jim's Voice amd Claire's too.

Toby's Grandma opened the door and i walked to the living room and i couldn't believe it...

"Jim your gonna give me a hickey!" Claire said.
I dropped my stuff and they looked at me Jim froze.
"Y-y/n its not what it looks like i swear!" He stuttered he never stutters unless he's lying.

"Why.....HOW COULD YOU!" I yelled at them.Jim looked taken back then he looked me dead in the eye and said something.
"Speak up i said with no emotion at all."I'm sorry." Was that all!

Tears started slipping down my cheeks i couldn't take this anymore so i said something that broke his heart even more than he did to me....

"Why don't you love me...."
And with that i left he started chasing me but i was way faster than him even if hes a troll.

The next day cause I'm Lazy sorry.

Merlin had made him a potion so he could continue school which to me was a waste of time why not just not make one and save me the heartbreak i thought as i grabbed stuff from my locker and speak of the devil here he comes.

Maddy (aka ME) already knew everything even the trolls and stuff so when she heard he cheated on me she was going to kill him i mean she knows every type of fighting there is she is kinda scary at times.

Anyways Jim came running up to me and i didn't know what to do but luckily Maddy was there with me because when he came up to me she started getting defensive i mean she is my 3 month older sister.
"Maddy please let me talk to her..." Was all he said.
"Not after what you did to her you bast###" she yelled.
Everyone knows when Maddy's angry stand at least 10 feet away from her or you might get hurt.

I started walking away and them two started arguring but suddenly i heard a large slap noise i looked back and saw that Jim had slapped her i felt so angry that i kicked him where the sun don't shine.

To be continued if you Guys want😁

Word count: 446

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