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When you cuddle

Jim loves to cuddle with you

Jim loves to play wit your hair when you guys cuddle

Jim loves being the big spoon

He also gives you forehead kisses

When you guys kiss

Jim can get very passionate but usually lets you take the lead

He likes to put his hand on you waist to pull you closer

Its usually sweet but sometimes it can turn into a hot make out session 

Whenever you kiss in school claire gets jealous because you stole her "boyfriend"

When you get hit on by others

Jim gets really jealous and protective

Jim almost beat up a student because he touched you

Whenever jim seems someone hitting on you he walks up and brings you into his embrace and kisses you sometimes very rough but that usually depends on how jealous he is and won't let you go until the person is gone.

When he takes you out on dates

Jim usually take you out on dates every weekend or whenever he can

He usually brings you little gift like flowers and teddy bears and that is also why your bed is stuffed with toys

He always compliments you 

When he has to go do troll hunting while he's on a date he will reschedule the date just so he can see you again


Your parents didn't like him at the start(mostly your dad your mum loved him) but slowly then started to like him

Your sister absolutely hates him and thinks that your to young to date but accepted him because he makes you happy

Barbara absolutely loves you and treats you as if you and Jim are already married

Toby absolute adores you and thinks you guys were oblivious because he knew you both liked each other

Claire absolutely hates you because you stole her "boyfriend" and is extremely jealous all the time you guys kiss and hug all that stuff

Your friends adore Jim because he treats you so well

Your best friend likes him but also hates him and threatens to kill him if he hurts you like your ex

When you guys make out/hickeys

When you guys make out usually you sit on his lap

You guys usually make out very rough and passionate 

You usually take the lead but sometimes he takes the lead and squeezes your butt

He usually gives you hickeys on your neck

His hickeys are usually under his jaw

When you troll hunt together

Jim usually says 'you should stay here'  or 'stay put love'

When ever you fight he tells you how dangerous it was after the fight

When you get hurt he starts crying and rushes to your side instantly and checks your heartbeat

A/N: Thats it for now please get me constructive criticism and tell me what i can improve on and this is my first book i have ever shared for people all around the world and i hope it was good

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