Claie Nunez?!?!?! Angst

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So I was feeling down so i really wanted to try an angst with this book but if you don't like them i just continue doing my usual thing SOOOO anways ON ONWARDS WITH THE STORY oh and follow me because I'm writing a new Jim X Reader Story So stay tuned for those update and without further a dew LET US BEGIN

Backstabber, Cheater, User yeah names i thought i would never use or say to Jim the man of my dreams and god damn was i wrong.


I layed in Jim's bed half asleep not fully awake nor fully asleep
Jim thought i was asleep so he gently got out of the bed and grabbed his phone he called someone.I couldn't hear what they were saying but i did hear the ending of the call

J = Jim C = Caller
C:So Y/N is asleep right and you don't think they'll find out right honey?

J:Of course not Y/N is to blindly in love with me to know and Y/n is asleep anyways.

C:So ill see you tonight baby~

J: Sounds good to me Sugar.

Ended call

Jim put down his phone and went bathroom and i sat up grabbed his phone and looked at who it was.... Claire It was Clair Nunez.Jim came out of the bathroom just as i started packing my stuff.

J =Jim Y =You

J: Babe what are you doing?

Y: Please don't call me that anymore James Lake Jr

As soon as i said his full name he knew something was up.

J: Y/n talk to me whats wrong?

Y: How can you just act so calm

J: What are you talking about

Y: I heard you on the phone Jim.

J: I- wait Y/n but it was just Toby we were just fooling around please don't leave me...

Y: I know who it was Jim.
Were done James lake jr

J: W-wait no Y/n please don't leave me i sorry i cheated ill do anything

Y: Anything?


Y: Then let me ask you something
How long Jim?

Jim stayed silent

Y: Anwser me

Word Count: 369 words :P

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