Angst School Affair

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Its been a tiring day for me as a teacher but its all worth it to see my husband Jim when i get home.I had already packed all my stuff and even put them in my car but i did forget one thing my school notebook to keep track of my lessons i quickly went and got it and drove home.

When i got home i found everything scattered clothes and bags.

He isnt cheating right?

I walked to our bedroom and heard noise of a women moaning and saying Jims name and boy i knew that voice so well.

I pushed open the door and saw my husband and my student having sex in my house in me and Jim's room I screamed and they both looked at me my student looked confused  until she put the pieces together and figured out that she was with a married man and not only that but her teachers husband...

I ran and ran i don't know where but my legs started carrying me i heard Jim following me but i didn't care not after what he had just done i was faster than him so he lost me i suddenly stopped in front of a door...

The door belonged to my best friend and his name was....

To be continued
Word count 224 word :P

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