Why dont You love me #5

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Y/N mum's P.O.V
Y/n woke up today my sweet child woke up and I'm so happy and they still didn't tell me what had happened with her and all i know is that Jim hurt her i don't know how it started so i decided to ask Maddy but she said nothing.

I'm awake now and so many people cane to visit Toby, Maddy, my mum my friends ,Bradley, Cooper (your doggo) and the people who i wanted nothing to do with cane to such as Jim Claire and My dad...

Maddy's P.O.V
I stood there next to my injured sibling while Jim and Claire entered the room Jim apologized to us while Claire just stood there crossed arms rolling her eyes at us and it was pissing me off real bad. After Claire left the room Jim tried to explain and Y/n shut him up by yelling at him.Damn i wish I could kill him.He left the room and the person that we despised came into the room luckily our mum was sleeping on a chair because if she saw him she'd be cry because not only did our dad abuse us but he cheated on our family because he had THREE OTHER FAMILIES!


A/N thank you for reading this!

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