Why don't you love me #3

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Maddy's P.O.V
This is not something i look forward to i thought to myself
I was now standing outside my boyfriends and Jim's house
I didn't want to have to do this but if it make my Y/N happy then i will do it.

I slowly knock on the door and Barbra answers it.

Hiya hunny Bradley isnt home right now is there anything i can do to help you? Barbra asks.

Actually I'm here to see Jim right now i say

Oh is it about what happened im so sorry about what happened at school she spoke.


Maddy's P.O.V

Y/n just kick jim in the private area but he stopped their leg and threw them against a wall everything just slowed down as they started flying into the wall Jim looked at what he had done everyone was now watching..

I couldn't reach there in time to get them and inconveniently there was a open locker there a d Jim had just thrown them into a locker and cracked their head open....

Y/n P.O.V

Him had just thrown me into a open locker and cracked open my head blood was spilling everywhere Maddy rushed to me and started begging me to not close my eyes but i was so tired everything just went silent and slowly i closed my eyes. . .

A/n sorry guys this is a really bad chapter and im sorry that its a little late i just forgot to upload it i apologize and please comment when you guys want the next chapter

Word count 265 words!

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