One (1)

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"the smallest things have the biggest impact"

"Seul~" your best friend Lia greeted you at the school entrance. "Hey Lia" you greeted back giving her a wide smile. "Did you hear about the new kids coming? Apparently there's 7 of them and they're really hot!" Lia was fangirling over some people she didn't know. "You haven't seen them yet Lia . Don't get your hopes up" you said walking into the school. "Minseul! Wait up for me!" Lia said running towards you. You chuckled at Lia being clingy towards you. "Lia I'm gonna go to get my stuff from my locker. Let's meet up at the classroom." You said to Lia who nodded her head in agreement. "Okay ! I'll see you there my baby!" Lia said smirking as you shot her a death glare.

You were walking to your locker when you suddenly bumped into someone .

"I'm sorry , I didn't mean to bump into you I wasn't paying attention" you apologised whilst looking down at your feet.
"It's okay. You said you weren't paying attention right? So it meant that you had no intention on bumping into me." he replied to you . his voice was like smooth honey , music to your ears. You slowly look up and smiled at him. "By the way, I'm Park Sunghoon. What's your name?" Sunghoon said returning the smile . "I'm Minseul, Kang Minseul " you said . "That's a pretty name , wanna be friends?" He said making you widen you eyes a bit. Nobody has ever approached you to be their friend except from Lia. "Sure! Why not?" You said with your smile wider than ever. "I'll go now,See you later Minseul!" Sunghoon said waving at you . You waved back and continued to do what you were doing before.

You sat down organising your things on the table before the teacher comes

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You sat down organising your things on the table before the teacher comes. You were interrupted when you felt a tap on your shoulder. "Minseul! You said that we would meet up! You never said that you were going to ditch me!" Lia said pouting slightly.

"I got carried away heh" you said smiling a bit at your own sentence. "Oh have you seen any of the new kids yet? Apparently one of them is the son of a powerful mafia leader. I think his name is like jungwon? I'm not sure but everyone is already scared of him" Lia said it like a horror story.

"I haven't seen jungwon yet but I have seen someone else. I think they're jungwons friend but he's actually kind to be honest." You said while Lia had her mouth agape. "So you met one and didn't tell me? I really feel betrayed Minseul .You could've done better. But is he cute? Sexy? Or is he just below average? Like is he strong? Does he work out?" Lia bombarded you with questions being the dramatic person she is.

"He's cute but not really my type. We became friends though." you said it calmly but Lia made a fuss out of it. "Is that all? Wow." Lia said rolling her eyes . You hit her arm playfully and she acted as if someone had thrown a brick at her arm. "Lia stop overreacting. What if the teacher suddenly comes in with the new kids? They would think your crazy" and as soon as you said that the teacher came in with the new students . The sound of whispering and fangirling filled the room . Even Lia who was now across the class was fangirling over them. "As expected" you murmured.

You decided to look around the class to see if you were the only one who was uninterested. And of course it was just you that wasn't fangirling. You just snickered and took your phone out to check the time. 09:20 was the time. Your class started in 5 minutes and these fan girls didn't shut up yet. You started to get annoyed so you took a sticky note and started drawing on it. It became a habit now. Whenever you're stressed you draw to calm you down. That's what made you unique to Jungwon. Even though he was the son of a mafia leader , it didn't mean that he isn't kind. You had to admit that Jungwon looks pretty scary when he's serious though. You checked the time once again and it was now 09:23. "Two more minutes" you thought

"Okay class that's enough bickering. I think I should introduce the new students right?" Mr Lim said as he turned towards the new students. They all introduced themselves one by one until it was time for the seating places. "Okay Heeseung go sit next to Lia , Lia put your hand up. And finally Sunghoon go sit next to Minseul ,Minseul raise your hand." Mr Lim said as you raised your hand even though you really didn't need to . He sat down next to you with a smile. "Well we meet again don't we" he said whispering as you just nodded .

Class was finally finished and it was now lunch

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Class was finally finished and it was now lunch. Tons of students were rushing out of the door , practically fighting to get out . "They look like wild animals" you whispered to yourself as you put your sticky notes in your schedule. "Yeah they really do. You know Min, I'm convinced that nearly everyone here is secretly a monkey and they slowly transform at lunch so they need to eat to stay as a human." Lia said from behind . "You really have the wildest ideas Lia. But if it was true then that explains why our school literally gives out free bananas to students." You said as you put your schedule into your bag. "Hm that's true Minnie.Anyways let's go to the rooftop and eat our lunch!" Lia said flexing her bento . "Whoever gets there last is a rotten egg!" You said running to the rooftop with your bento in hand. "Minseul wait! That's unfair !" Lia said running behind you.

You two finally got to the rooftop and luckily you were first. "Hoyu I'm first!" You said doing a little victory dance. "Well you went without telling me so I classify that as cheating!" Lia said sulking. "Don't act like you didn't do this yesterday Lia." You said walking to a bench to sit on. "I did? Oh yeah I did." Lia walked towards you as you took a bite of your onigiri. "Oh my gosh. This onigiri tastes like heaven . Take a bite Lia." You said squealing. Lia took a bite and her eyes turned 2x bigger and brighter than they were before. "You're right . It really does taste like heaven ." She said , her eyes were bound to pop out of their sockets now . "Lia stop doing that with your eyes or they will roll out." You said chuckling as Lia immediately stopped. "Hey Lia , you never told me about your seat mate." You said curious on how her seat mate was. "He's cute , but not my type. Sound familiar?" Lia said smirking "okay nevermind" you said before the both of you burst out laughing.

 Sound familiar?" Lia said smirking "okay nevermind" you said before the both of you burst out laughing

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