Eight (8)

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"About me? Uhm" she let out an awkward chuckle before glancing to the side a bit. "Dont be scared princess, I don't bite." He said. "Well my name is Hong Miyeon and I'm 19 years old. You might not know this but I actually was raised in America and came to Korea a few months ago." She lied once again."How about you?" She said. "Things about me huh. Well the names Bang Chan and I was born and raised in Australia but I came to Korea in my teenage years. Just promise me you won't freak out after I tell you this one?" He begged as the girl just nodded in response "So I'm actually in a mafia group , you know Stray Kids? Yeah I'm the leader."he said and she widened her eyes in 'shock'. "You're not here to kill me or anything right?" she said with an uncomfortable chuckle. "No why would i hurt such a precious girl like you?" he said smiling. At that very moments their drinks arrived.Minseul looked at the ice and remembered what they told her. 'If the ice is below the surface , there's something in there.' She looked at it once again and realized that the ice was below the surface.

She looked at the waiter shooting him a death glare. He mouthed a sorry and side eyed Chan signaling that he made him do it. 'But why?' She stirred her drink with the metal straw before placing her purse to the side.

"Aren't you going to drink your drink?" he asked her suspiciously. "No. I don't want it anymore. It fogs up too much and i remembered that we got taught about this." she said staring into the distance."I already said i wasn't going to hurt you so just drink it." "No ive already made my answer ,if you respect my decision." "Alright then. Aren't you at least going to eat something?" she shook her head. "By the way, if a sudden blackout happened then what would your reaction be?" she suddenly questioned. "I'd keep you safe, why?" he answered. "Oh it's nothing." as soon as she said that the lights went out. She took the syringe from her purse and shoved it on his shoulder. "I need help bringing his body out. I'm too weak to carry this cow." she alerted in her earpiece .

Not long after, Jay and Jake came to escort him out as they were the strongest. The girl just trailed behind them with a small smirk displayed on her face.

 The girl just trailed behind them with a small smirk displayed on her face

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When they arrived at home,Minseul plopped on the couch exhausted. She suddenly remembered that she didn't have anything to wear if she was going to sleep there. The girl tiredly got up and dragged her feet towards Sunghoon. "Sunghoon i'm tired, can i sleep here for the night?" she asked hugging his waist slightly. "Sure. I'll get the guest room ready and when i'm done i'll carry you there. Is that ok?" she slowly nodded her head. "But i don't want to let go and I don't have any pajamas" she said half asleep . "You can borrow one of my hoodies and wear the shorts your wearing right now. I'll stay until you fall asleep okay?" she nodded again. Sunghoon bent down to pick the petite girl up to the guest room that was going to be hers for the time being. "You can wear the clothes right?" he asked her, "Mhm"

Jiyeon was changing into Sunghoons hoodie but she realised something

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Jiyeon was changing into Sunghoons hoodie but she realised something. 'This room is too big to be a guest room, it seems nearly identical to my bedroom but less messy.' She shook it off and put the hoodie on. After she did so, she crawled into the bed and covered herself with the blanket after turning the nightlight on.

She was about to fall asleep when someone suddenly opened the door making her pretend to sleep.

"Aw she's asleep already. I'll tell her tommorow but goodnight y/n. I love you"


sorry for the late update huhu (Ako ay abala sa gawain sa paaralan at pinilit ako ng aking ina na tulungan ang aking maliit na kapatid sa kanyang takdang aralin🥲)

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