Fifteen (15)

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"You want to know what you walked into?" Yeonjun says with a sly smirk on his face.

"No i dont that's why i asked" says the person who was coming down the stairs.

"Then why did you ask" you heard yeonjun think making you let out a laugh, mind you , you were still pinned to the couch with yeonjun sitting on the armrest.

"Kind of looks like you're holding my own 'cousin' hostage." The guy says

"Huh but we don't know eachother?" you say with an arrogant look on your face

"I read your background information, turns out we have the same surname. Wouldn't it have been better if your name was something like Taeri or Taehyun p.2? Oh excuse me I'm Taehyun , no need to say my surname right?" Taehyun said as you just looked at him currently in shock at his unprofessional introduction.

"Yeah because that's how you should greet your guests" yeonjun rolled his eyes

"Oh right" you attempted to get up but your hands were still locked in position. "Can you please let go of me?" Yeonjun glanced at Taehyun once more before facing you

" I'll let you go but don't think i forgot"

"Yeah yeah because i should listen to you and believe that you're actually going to do something" you got up and brushed yourself off. "Gosh i missed the feeling of having my hands at their rightful position."

"You're welcome"

"Fuck you too"

"That's abit arrogant is it not?"

"You've forgotten that i can read minds huh?"


After a proper introduction with everyone , you ate your food before deciding to leave their home

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After a proper introduction with everyone , you ate your food before deciding to leave their home. You exchanged numbers with them and then you left with Jungwon following behind.

"You know i kind of felt jealous back there" Jungwon says once you guys went out of the house.

"And why was that? There's nothing to be jealous about.?"

"But when it's someone you love you'll always get jealous at what they do with other men."

Your mouth dropped for a little bit before Jungwon spoke again,
"Close your mouth before your brain falls out.

"Yes sergeant won" the girl said before doing the military greeting to him.

The car ride home was somehow awkward but social fairy Minseul found a way to break the ice as usual.

"Right you know how i said i wanted to talk to you when we got home?"

"Mhm" jungwon responded as he focused on the road.

"Well i think that we won't properly get the chance to talk at home and now that we're alone here then i guess i'll just say what i need to say.."

"Stop beating around the bush and just say it."

Minseul was obviously taken aback at jungwons sudden outburst but still carried on anyway.
"Alright, well i just wanted to say that-"

"Please say that you like me"

"Oh uhm i wanted to say that i don't think that i'll be able to go out with you anymore if you just plan stuff this without my knowing.. It really took me by surprise and it got me thinking about things that i shouldn't be thinking of. I know you meant well and this will be an advantage for us in the future but you could've atleast asked me if i was comfortable, no?"

"Right.. I should've have thought of that. My mind has just been so occupied lately because i just heard that my close friend has came back lately and-"

"So your friend is more important than my mental health? More important than the trauma i could've suffered?"

" No i don't mean that but.. you know what forget it. I thought that we would be able to speak together in a peaceful way but seeing you act like this. It puzzles me."

" Mhm. As if" you whispered before facing the window.

" Please don't be angry at me? I'm sorry for what i did okay?" jungwon had now given you some of his attention but when you weren't responding he pulled the car over .

"Why'd you stop huh?"

"I can't bare to see you act like this. When you act like this it also makes me feel some kind of way that doesn't feel good."


"If you're going to act like that then nevermind"

You looked at him for a little before you went back to leaning your head on the window. "Hm"
Now there was really no way of reducing the heavy feel in the car. Jungwon pulled the gear and started the car.

Later on, you noticed that jungwons free hand was acting strange. You know what he's asking for when he does it, so you intertwined your fingers together. You heard a slight gasp from Jungwon shortly after as you felt his hand get less tense and hold yours more tightly. A slight smile emerged from both of your lips as you both were in your own little worlds.

The two of you stayed that way until you could see the yang manor in hind sight.

the end of this chapter  already?? just imagine the end happening though

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the end of this chapter already?? just imagine the end happening though.. im already getting butterflies 🦋💕

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