Six (6)

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"What do you mean by that?" seon said between his laughter. The poor girl just covered her face in embarrassment. "So are you gonna answer me or just rip your face off?" he continued . The girl looked up at him with a bored look . "I meant that his explanation was understandable but i didn't accept it. Happy?" When she finished the rest started laughing resulting in a pouty minseul. "I wish I never agreed" she whispered once again. "Ey isn't that too far? I mean we would be dead by now if you didn't agree." Sunghoon said which made the girl open her mouth in surprise . "Can you stop listening to MY complaints? I mean it's kind of annoying now." The girl nudged at sunghoon to shut up. "Then don't say it?" he said. "Fuck you" she snapped at him. "I love you too" he said blowing a kiss to her as she pretended to throw up. The other two burst out laughing at minseuls reaction.

"You two act like sibling even though you literally just met." jungwon said nearly crying of laughter. "Probably because HE is the spawn of satan. Satan couldn't reach me so he sent me sunghoon." she emphasized the word "he" as she stared at sunghoon. "I think it's the other way round but whatever you say ugly duckling."Minseul sent a flying kick to sunghoon as he said that. A snort was heard from behind the both of you but you knew that it wasn't the others. "Even the snakes laughing" sunghoon said "It proves that you really are ugly." The girl strutted towards sunghoon and put her hands around his neck. "I won't hesitate to choke you" she smiled innocently before taking her hands off.

"She literally threatened to kill me. What the fuck." sunghoon said gasping. "Language mister. Only i'm allowed to swear because i saved your lives."Minseul smiled walking out of the basement. "Did I make her angry?" sunghoon said. "If she was angry she would've killed you.". jungwon spoke . "True that."

You sat on the couch sighing

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You sat on the couch sighing. 'How am I supposed to tell Lia about this? I'll feel so guilty if I keep it a secret'. Your thoughts go interrupted when you suddenly felt a head on your lap. You looked down to see a smiling Daniel. "Hi Minseul. I got bored so i came to rest on your lap." he said making the girl look at him in awe. "It's okay but next time don't scare me like that." she said whilst stroking Daniels soft hair. "Whatever you say." Daniel replied pouting.

It was only a few seconds before Daniel ended up falling asleep on jiyeons lap.She stroked the boys hair one last time before moving his head away.Minseul got up to get her blanket that was near the entrance. As she was about to pick it up from the floor, a voice suddenly popped out behind her. "What are you doing?" the voice said. "Picking up my blanket so i can give it to Daniel" she turned around to be greeted by hanbin. "I could've carried him to bed. I'm the strongest one out here." he said flexing his muscles making the girl laugh a bit. "I highly doubt that." she said walking over to daniel. His little snores made her look at him in awe again before wrapping the blanket around him.

"Aww our baby Minseul is taking care of daniel. So cute" K said in awe as he came to hug Minseul. "I'm not a baby you know. I literally just killed someone." she said "Our baby Minseul has grown up then." he snapped before running away as the girl chased him. "I SWEAR I AM GOING TO GET YOU AND MAKE YOU MY SERVANT!" she screamed at K who was basically panicking. "IM SORRY I WONT DO IT AGAIN" he said as he knelt down to her begging for forgiveness. "Make me food then i'll forgive you."She said messing up K's hair. "No." "Then prepare your funeral."

i just realized that i took more than a week working on this chapter for it to turn out ass 💔 anyways stream maze in the mirror and eternally bc why not

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