Seven (7)

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"What do you mean by funeral? Is someone going to die?" a voice appeared from behind making them cock their heads back to look at the voice. "Nobodies dying daniel now go back to sleep." she said in a soothing way whilst holding the boys hand. "okay but tell K hyung to be quiet." he said making K's eyes widen at the sudden phrase. "you heard him."Minseul said winking as she ran away.

"It's literally 6pm and you guys haven't stopped bickering? You literally just met today" seon snarled at the two who were busy arguing about mint chocolate

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"It's literally 6pm and you guys haven't stopped bickering? You literally just met today" seon snarled at the two who were busy arguing about mint chocolate. "Ok but mint chocolate is delicious." Minseul said cocking her head to the side a bit. "It's literally like putting toothpaste and chocolate together. And you don't even like oreos with mint filling so that proves my point" sunghoon said snapping at the girl. "And that's because it's mint on a cookie plus you haven't tried it so i advise you to shut up before i shove one down your throat." she said with a blank face. "Ok. But mint choco is still the worst." he said whispering the last sentence. "Park fucking Sunghoon. I will not be afraid to cut off your tongue" she said making him quiet. "But mint choco is still-" he started "SHUT UP" the girl screamed at him making him flinch. "Are you guys done bickering now? We tried to get you guys but all i could hear was 'mint choco is delicious' and 'no it tastes like chocolate toothpaste' like seriously? Anyways Jungwon wants you two to go to the meeting room." Hanbin said with a sly smile on his face. 'Meeting room huh?' You looked over to Sunghoon who motioned you to get up and follow him which you did.

When you two reached the room , you saw jungwon with a sly smirk on his face. It was as if he had come up with a plan. "Sit down, I have an idea." the two sat down next to eachother. "So you all know StrayKids right?The second most powerful mafia group after ours? Well i have some news. Some of you guys might not know this but i had injected a microscopic tracker into the leader, Bang Chan, and the radar is telling us that he's at the club. Which means he's drinking and getting drunk." he explained. "So what's that going to do? If he gets drunk he gets drunk." Jay suddenly said. "You never let me finish Jay. So when he goes to the club and gets drunk then Minseul here can go to him and make him spill things out. He would be drunk so he won't remember , but to make things secure we have to inject this into him." he continued showing off an injection with white liquid in it. "So i'm going to be the one who makes him spill things out and i'm gonna inject this into him right? Gosh you could've said that ages ago." she said whining. "Stop being a baby and let me continue what i was saying Kang Minseul " he said making you shut up instantly.

 "Stop being a baby and let me continue what i was saying Kang Minseul " he said making you shut up instantly

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You guys were now in the car driving to the club, where your plan would take action. "jiyeon is your earpiece working correctly?" Seon said from the front. "Definitely" she said looking out the window. She was actually crazy nervous but she tried her best to hide it. "Here we are, go in Minseul and remember the plan and code names." Seon said. "Okay dad" the petite girl said running off into the distance. "Gosh i hate her" he said.

The girl was now in the club, looking for her target when suddenly her earpiece started vibrating. She tapped the side to listen to what they were saying. "He's ought to be in black with a red undercut" it said. 'Dressed in black with a red undercut huh? Pretty decent.' she walked around and finally took a seat at the bar when someone dressed in all black and had a red undercut came to her. "What is such a pretty girl doing here alone?" he said. The girl was about to make a snarky remark but then she remembered the description given to her. 'Bullseye, he just fell into the trap.' "Nothing much, I just got bored and decided to come here. I come here often so it's like a stress reliever." she let out a blatant lie but pulled it off smoothly with her tone of voice. "I'm surprised that i haven't noticed you here yet. Let's both buy a drink, price is on me." he said and then your earpiece tingled again. "Get a non-alcoholic drink with ice, if the ice sinks below the surface then don't drink it, there's something in it." it said. "Then I'd like a sparkling water with ice and a lemon slice." she said "Not much of a drinker i see. I'll get the drink with the most alcohol in it. I'm immune to that kind of stuff." he said as the girl let out a small smile.

"So tell me about yourself." he said caressing her cheek.

cliff hanger moment huhu (iniisip kong magdagdag ng isa pang character na gagana sa y/n) but the next chapter might have a slight twist to it 😉

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