Eleven (11)

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"That was good but i have some news to break out to you guys" sunghoon started making everyone turn their head. "Somehow our tracking device on the rest of stray kids has failed to track them down which means that they are close here. So what i'm trying to say is that you guys should get ready and prepare because they are one of the most powerful mafias,excusing us, in Korea. Meaning that there is a 50% percent chance of defeating them." he continued.

"From what you just said, you're trying to tell me that stray kids is attacking us as we're speaking and you want us to get ready because it's a life or death situation. Oh wow" you said "I'm still in my sweats though and if i die here i want to die fashionably so can i go change?" "Sure do what you want but just remember that we probably are going to use you as bait go distract them" "Oh wow."

You guys were in the bunker listing a list of plans and the best one that you made so far was that you had to go into the living room and pretend that the others weren't there

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You guys were in the bunker listing a list of plans and the best one that you made so far was that you had to go into the living room and pretend that the others weren't there. If they were smart enough they would take you somewhere else just in case but you hoped that it wasn't the case. What was supposed to happen was that stray kids would stay there and have a conversation with you, well if that didn't happen you would have to lure them in. When they were so immersed in the conversation everyone else would get out from the bunker and attack from behind. "They're going to come in any minute now so you should go Minseul. Remember to press the button on your ring if you need help." Jungwon advised. "Sure but if they see me come out of here then let me say that i love you all" you responded and blew a kiss before going upstairs to the living room.

It had been a few minutes and they would attack any minute now. You decided to start drawing so time would pass. A couple minutes passed and you heard the door unlock as a flood of footsteps came your way. "Who the hell is she and why is she drawing?" a voice whispered to another. They clearly weren't good at whispering since you could hear them. "Oh, hi! I never got told that I had visitors today. If you don't mind me asking , who are you?" you pretended to act clueless. "Oh us? Um we're friends of a friend. We got told to come here today." one answered. "Oh. Well i've been told to house sit for a while so i guess you guys can rest for a bit until they come back!"

"Sure i guess" another said. They started coming closer to you making your heartbeat start to run marathons. 'What if they know what we're planning? No Minseul stop overthinking' "So why don't we start off by introducing ourselves? I'll go first. I'm Zhong Chilu . My friends call me zhochi and you could too if you like. I'm 19 years old and i'm going to be 20 in a couple months." A lie escaped your mouth so flawlessly that even you couldn't tell if you were lying or not. "Well i guess we could trust you, i mean don't get us wrong but we actually thought that you would be part of them." a blonde one said. "Them? Who's them?" another lie. "Oh don't worry. Anyways i'm Hyunjin. Hwang Hyunjin. These are my members, Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin, Changbin, Lee Know and Jisung." hyunjin said. " Nice to meet you!" you said as they returned the greeting.

The conversation ran for a long time

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The conversation ran for a long time. Long enough for the 23 boys to manage to get out of the bunker and sneak behind the couch where stray kids were sitting. "Anyways. Thanks for believing me." you said smirking. "What do you mean?" they said in unison. "Well i lied to you. This right here was all an act. Well i hate to say goodbye but i guess this is the end. See you in your next lives" you smirked before the boys got up and a bloody fight happened, but luckily you guys won.

 See you in your next lives" you smirked before the boys got up and a bloody fight happened, but luckily you guys won

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"Well that was easy wasn't it?"

"Who said that it was easy?"
so sorry na hindi ako nag-update

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