Two (2)

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"when our paths collide"

(the beginning of this part will be written in Jungwons POV)

Me and my friends were introducing ourselves to the classroom as we had just transferred here. I looked around the classroom to see if there was someone I know but I couldn't recognize anyone because nearly all of the class was fangirling over something we probably don't know of. I was about to stop searching when I spotted this particular girl. She wasn't fangirling or staring , she was just doing something under the desk. I kept taking frequent glances at her and I noticed that she seemed to be drawing something on a sticky note. I didn't know what it was but it looked pretty cute. I stopped looking at her and I looked towards my gang. Sunghoon seemed to also be staring at her. It made me feel jealous? I'm not sure about the emotion I felt. It was a mix of anger and jealousy but I decided to keep it cool.

It was time for our seating plans and I got sat next to this girl named Minju. She was kind , I'll admit that but she isn't my type. What pissed me off the most was that sunghoon got to sit next to the girl I was admiring. I think her name is Minseul and they seem pretty close. I wonder if they've met before.

Me and my friends decided to go to the rooftop to eat our lunch

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Me and my friends decided to go to the rooftop to eat our lunch. The rooftop wasn't crowded nor empty. It had the perfect vibe . Like nothing could possibly go wrong. That's what I thought too. When we got there we heard the sound of laughter. It's was like 2 girls were laughing there. I looked through the window but I couldn't see anyone.
"Oh look it's Minseul !" Sunghoon said , his smile went up to his eyes. "Who's that? Is it your girlfriend?" Niki said , curiosity visible in his voice . "No were just friends." Sunghoon said patting nikis head.

I looked to where Sunghoon was looking and I saw the girl from class. It's like fate. "Let's go in ." I said trying to hide my emotions. They did as they were told to and went in.

Minseul and Lia  immediately stopped laughing when they heard the door being unlocked

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Minseul and Lia immediately stopped laughing when they heard the door being unlocked. They looked at each other curious on who it could be. Before they could talk , jungwon and his crew came in. Lias eyes widened as she saw them but Minseul on the other hand just smiled. "Hi Sunghoon!" jiyeon said waving her hand a bit. "Hey Minseul" sunghoon said with a bright smile before heading off into the deserted part of the rooftop.

Lia looked at you with her eyes widened. "You didnt tell me he was that hot! I think its love at first sight." Lia said practically drooling over Sunghoon. "Once again Lia, dont get your hopes up. Who knows if hes also a mafia and hes planning to kidnap someone from here." you said making Lia's mouth go in an "O" shape. "Wait Minseul, it actually makes sense. Barely nobody transfers in the middle of school." Lia said going in circles around Minseul. It was like she was doing some kind of ritual to take Minseul away. "I told you that i'm a genius" Minseul said whilst smirking. "Now can you stop summoning a demon on me?" Lia stopped in her tracks.

"Okay I'll sit down but i wasn't summoning a demon. At least not yet." Lia said smiling. "Wow my best friend wants to do a satanic ritual on me. Nothing new. " jiyeon smiled at Lia. "Chill im not a psycho." Lia said rolling her eyes which made the two of you burst out in laughter. "Guys keep it down, down there!" one of sunghoon's friends scolded the both of you "Sorry but i cant help laughing at this dumb person infront of me. Have you seen the way she tried to summon a demon on me?" you snapped back earning chuckles from the other side. You looked over to Lia. "I just did you a favour" you said as Lia started scolding you. "I really am gods favourite" you thought.

It was the end of the day and you were waiting for Lia to come out

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It was the end of the day and you were waiting for Lia to come out. You two were going to be walking together as always. When you saw her you immediately ran to her and hugged her. "I missed you so much Lia~" you said pouting . "Already? We were only away for one class Minseul." Lia said looking at you with an 'unbelievable' look plastered on her face. "Hm I don't care . Let's go home now." You said basically whining at this point. Lia just nodded because she was literally in awe seeing you like this. You guys were walking home when you started to feel like there was someone behind you l. "Hey Lia, don't you think there's someone else behind us? I mean their footsteps aren't aligned to ours and they sound different. I've been hearing these footsteps ever since we started walking." You said practically whispering at this point.

"I don't know. I think you've been watching too many of them action movies haven't you?" Lia said teasing you. "Mhm maybe but i still feel uneasy." You said taking a glance at her. "Oh look we're at my stop already. I'll see you tomorrow my baby Minseul " Lia said as she ran away. "I hate you lia I really do!" You snapped back before continuing to walk away.

That feeling of uneasiness never left though. The unfamiliar pattern of footsteps were still there. It was guaranteed that there was definitely someone following you. Minseul decided to pretend to be on a call with someone so she took out her phone , swiped and put it to her ear. These movies really have been teaching jiyeon something.

"Yup I'm about to come home. Don't eat it all though." She said pausing a bit to see if she could still hear the footsteps. And they were still there. She started to panic and decided to act fast. She slowly turned around to see someone in a mask. Their eyes looked familiar but she couldn't seem to work it out. "Who are you and why are you following me?" She said eyeing the 'stranger' suspiciously. "Well you've caught me red handed. I was following you because I think you're going to be a big help on our next mission." The stranger said earning a confused look from Minseul.

"You recognized that someone was following you by memorizing the sound of their footsteps right?" they continued getting a nod from the girl. "What else can you do then?" the stranger spoke once again. "I don't know if this is useful but I can estimate what move someone is going to use next in stuff like fights. My guesses fave been pretty accurate these days." The girl said. "Perfect. That's just what we needed. By the way I'm Choi Seung Hyuk , Seon for short."

"I'm Kang Minseul" she smiled. "I forgot to ask you the most important question, are you willing to take part in this mission?"


Sadly this chapter got left on a cliffhanger. But what do you think jiyeon is going to say? To be honest I would be intrigued if I met someone with the same talent as jiyeon , I even got goosebumps thinking about it. N e ways the next chapter might be out in 4 days (sorry for the long wait ^>^)

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