Sixteen (16)

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Now that the two had gotten home, there was an awkward aura between them. They can't have made up and that was probably an act of kindness because both you and I know that Minseul isn't the type to watch someone suffer in silence like that, if they're not of the opposing party of course.

"What's going on between you and Jungwon? You two suddenly seem distant" Taki suddenly emerged making you jump

"Hm it's nothing we just had a small argument." Minseul said avoiding eye contact

"Well it doesn't seem like nothing but if you say so then i guess it's nothing" Taki responded with a hint of sarcasm evident in his voice.

"Geez Taki . Do you seriously not believe me?"

"I never said anything! Anyways Jungwon told me to ask you if you wanted to come with him to the airport. He said one of his close friends has just arrived right now."

"Oh.. I guess i'll go but tell him that i'm going to get changed because i don't want to be seen in these sweats.!"

"Will do!" Taki announced before sprinting off to Jungwons room.

You guys had just came out of the car and were heading into the airport

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You guys had just came out of the car and were heading into the airport. You noticed that during the car ride jungwon kept throwing a few glances at you but he refused to speak to you but you just shrugged it off when suddenly you heard a voice call your name from afar.
"Minseul! Its been so long!" A voice said from infront of you.

"Xu kun! Ooh i missed youu" You said running forwards to hug xukun. He was your childhood bestfriend and well, your first crush."What are you doing here? I thought you were still doing acting in China?"

"Oh yeah, im on a break right now, but whos the guy you were with?" Kun said , referring to jungwon who was walking up to you guys.

"Im jungwon.. Minseuls friend. And who are you?"

"Oh right! Im Cai Xukun , Kun for short and im Minseuls childhood best friend and first crush..!" Kun said nudging you slightly, murmuring the last part

"Hm alright, anyways were supposed to be picking up one of my old friends. You can join us if you'd like." A hint of jealousy was evident in jungwons voice

"As long as you don't mind" kun said throwing a subtle wink at Minseul resulting in her cheeks flushing a bright red but Jungwon walked off muttering something to himself.

"Hey Jungwon wait for us!" you said grabbing kuns wrist and following him.

"Hey Jungwon wait for us!" you said grabbing kuns wrist and following him

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