Twelve (12)

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A shiver went down your spines as an unknown voice came behind you. You recognised the voice from somewhere but you just couldn't wrap your finger around where.

"What? I thought we had killed you. How are you still alive?" K shouted at Chan. "You forgot that i had a twin didnt you?" He cockily smirked "I didn't really care about him but you decided to go for my members, that I cannot side with you for, so I have no choice but to get rid of all of you or you could hand me that girl over." You started shaking and you broke out into a cold sweat. You didn't know what to do at that moment. They wouldn't give you away to some stranger, would they? "No thank you, I'll keep her. Don't you think she's more safer in MY hands?" jungwon stepped forwards putting you safe in his embrace.

"Well that gives me no choice" he said cockily whilst getting a knife out of his bag "Actually i don't think you have do that. I mean you don't have to resort to violence all the time you moron."Minseul suddenly snarled at him. "Of course, you have to butt in. You ruin everything you know that? How about to keep your pretty little mouth shut and let me do the working princess?" chan replied. "Princess? Haha. Very funny, now i don't know why something like you could want me. I mean who doesn't but anyone but you please. And the word princess coming out of that foul mouth of yours, somethings not correct. It's like your asking for it." the girl whispered the last sentence.

"Asking for it? And what could that be? A poke in the stomach with them cheap defense tools that your nail tech would give you to stay safe?" he smirked. "No it isn't. But it's this" she suddenly pulled out a machete from her pocket. "Actually maybe this is too weak of a defense tool, am i right?" she said walking up to him purposely swinging near his arm cutting a finger or two off in the process "Oops, i'm so sorry that my 'weak defense tool cut you'. It would be such a shame if it had to end like this. Right?" she said raising the machete higher to his neck before swinging mercilessly. His head fell to the ground before turning multiple shades of grey before giving up.

"How did you do that and where the fuck did you get a machete from?" Taki suddenly appeared from nowhere. "Uh. Santa gave it to me as a present!"

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sorry sa maiksing chapter 😢 papatayin ako ng school

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