Three (3)

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"you really wanna do this?"

It took you sometime to think before deciding. "I'll do it , but what kind of mission is it and why are we doing it?" you said holding your breath. "Well its a mafia mission and were doing it for the sake of jungwons position." seon replied. 'Jungwon? I know he's the son of a mafia but i never expected for him to be a mafia.' "But what about my brother? What would he think?" you said kind of panicking. "I was waiting for you to say that , but we have everything covered. From your grades to your family. They know that you're doing it so you're safe. We're also doing the mission today so take this and go get ready . Me and the gang will pick you up at 5" he simply stated before walking away.

 Me and the gang will pick you up at 5" he simply stated before walking away

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You looked at the time to realize that it was already 4:30. You ran to your house to get ready. There was only a short amount of time. You took the outfit that Seon gave to you and you just looked at it puzzled. 'How the fuck am I supposed to wear this? Is he insane?

 'How the fuck am I supposed to wear this? Is he insane?

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'Its been 5 minutes and i still cant get this thing on. Screw it ill just do my makeup first' You quickly did your makeup since it wasnt a lot. 'Now its time to find out how this stupid thing works. I really hate this thing. How do people even wear it? Oh theres a zipper on the side how stupid of me.'

You put it on and took your purse with a mini med kit inside. Who knows whats going to happen to me or anyone. You quickly took your phone and put it in your purse before getting your boots and a leather jacket to match. 'Is this actually the sweet and innocent minseul? No its the dangerous and bad-ass minseul from the west' you smirked whilst looking at yourself in the mirror. You took some lip gloss and threw it in your purse before resting on your chair. 'What else do I need? Maybe a gun? No I dont have that. Wow i was about to leave my sticky notes here.' you put the pens and sticky notes in your purse delicately as if it was a fragile baby. As soon as you closed your purse you heard a horn from outside your room. 'Wow i have perfect timing dont I?' you looked at yourself in the mirror once again before taking your purse and a blanket to cover up.

You went outside to see Seon standing there with two things in his hands. One looked like a button and the other one was something you couldnt make up. "Omg you look so pretty minseul" Seon was practically fanboying over you witch made you flustered. "Mhm I know. Now can we get into the car? I'm tired of standing up already." you said whining "Okay Miss bossy pants" he said rolling his eyes. "You know I'm doing you a big favor. I could die doing this and your being ungrateful wow" you said "Keep in mind that I'm older than you minseul" he messed your hair up "Why did you mess my hair up it took me so long to do this" you said pouting. "I'll give you ice cream if you shut up and get inside" he said bribing you. "You sound like a kidnapper but okay." You went into the car.

He ended up driving you to a mansion

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He ended up driving you to a mansion. You guessed that this is where they would be giving you the plan and what to do. As soon as you went inside the sounds of screaming was heard everywhere. It sounded like someone had just let kids run free. One of them noticed you and told the other ones to shut up, or so you thought. You looked behind you to see Seon standing there. He motioned for you to introduce yourself. 'Oh right I need to introduce myself'. "Hi, I'm Kang Minseul and I'm 17 years old." As soon as you said that they ran to you hugging you tight. "Wow our Minseul is so pretty! She's like a goddess" you heard them say making you flustered but you tried your best not to show it.

"Guys leave Minseul alone. She looks like she's about to explode. Don't forget that she's only here for the mission." you and the guys looked up to see the one and only , yang jungwon.

Of course he would be there. He's the reason why you're even here. "Guys duck" you whispered to them as they immediately obeyed. You felt something swinging at you so you quickly grabbed it from behind. You twisted the unanimous object until you heard a groan. You looked back to see someone you've never seen before. "Who's he?" You motioned to Seon. "Oh right, his name is Jay or Park Jeong Seob." You just nodded. "Now why did you attempt to knock me out?" You said with a hint of coldness making Jay shiver. "I thought you were an intruder." He simply quoted. You nodded but you felt uneasy about Jay. Something was off.

It wasn't a bad feeling but you feel like you've met him before. "Guys you can get up now." You looked down at the guys clinging onto your legs. They nodded and got up. "But that was so cool. Oh by the way I'm Nishimura Riki. Your number 1 fan" you just chuckled at what he said. "Guys don't forget about the mission. That's the reason why Minseul is here in the first place. By the way, I'm Lee Heeseung. And the others are Hanbin , K , Taki , Sunoo , , EJ , Jake , Kyungmin , Geonu , Jaeho , Jaebeom , Jimin , Youngbin , Nicholas , Sungchul , Taeyong , Yoonwon and Daniel" he said pointing to all of them as you just nodded . "We could've introduced ourselves . You didn't have to introduce us by your selves" Daniel said rolling his eyes . "I would but you guys would take too long". heeseung quoted making you smirk a bit. "So did we all forget about the mission? Because we could be under attack any time from now." as soon as jungwon finished speaking the sound of screaming could be heard outside. "Is that them?" "Mhm".


To be fair I don't really like this chapter but we gotta keep the readers entertained don't we 😋. And thank you for 1 follower and 10+ views! To be continued

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