Ten (10)

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"Taki you can't be saying that." you quoted"Yes i can" he answered ."No you can't she's like your grandmother." you said as it was your best attack "I like milfs" he responded. Your eyes widened. "Who taught you that?" you coughed. "I'm not sure but i think it was -"

you two said in sync.


You were sitting on the couch peacefully reading a book that you needed to revise for a text

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You were sitting on the couch peacefully reading a book that you needed to revise for a text. Even if you aren't going to do it , you still needed to be prepared just in case anyone needed the answers. You were so focused on the book but sadly you ended up not being able to focus because Sunoo was still complaining about his butt hurting from earlier. "She hit me so hard , it's like she has hands made out of metal because my butt still stings. I can't even sit now" he whined. "Shut up before i make you not be able to sit for a week." "Ok ma'am".

"Minseul what did you do to sunoo? He's been whining that way since 2pm and it's 8pm right now" jungwon sat next to you. "I hit him for teaching taki what a milf is. Taki is still an innocent child, am i wrong?" you stated. "Well that's true, i mean you're never wrong. so what are you reading?" he asked "Macbeth. It's for our upcoming english test and for a quiz that we're having." you looked up and your eyes met. Both of you just stared into eachothers eyes for god knows how long.

'I never knew he was so good looking'
'I never knew she was so good looking'

"Believe it or not but this is the same exact girl that beat me up earlier for teaching taki what a milf is, now she's doing lovey dovey stuff with jungwon." sunoo broke the silence. "We aren't doing lovey dovey stuff sunoo-" you started "yes we were, just admit it." jungwon butted in "you're supposed to be on my side jungwon and we weren't doing lovey dovey stuff." you moaned. "yeah yeah whatever. even jungwon said it." sunoo said. "well that, hmm. you guys are so mean." you cried. "psh whatever." sunoo walked away.

"Why did you do that?" you hit jungwon "I hate you so much , you're not my friend anymore." the girl pouted as she saw jungwon smirking. "just admit it. you were admiring me right? you should've seen your face." he replied

"ok then. i'm not talking to you ever again, and i mean never ever." you turned your back just to be engulfed by a hug. "then i'm sorry. i can't bare not being able to talk to you ever again. forgive me?" you nodded slowly and jungwon kissed you on the cheek before running away. 'what just happened?' you touched your cheek that was as hot as the sun. 'whatever'.

You were sitting in your room when you suddenly heard screaming from downstairs

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You were sitting in your room when you suddenly heard screaming from downstairs. 'What is going on now?' You went downstairs and got greeted by the smell of something burnt. "You're just in time Minseul. These fools are trying to make turkey and nearly burnt the whole kitchen." K greeted you. "I thought i would have a break from cooking but i don't. I'm actually surprised." you replied as you walked towards the scene. "You guys are dumb, you preheated the oven too long, that's too much spices and seasonings on it and the inside of the turkey is still raw. I don't know how you managed to do this but i'm impressed, now move out the way and let me do the cooking." You lectured them.

'At least they bought a back up turkey in case this would happen.' You started off by washing the turkey thoroughly with water, then you put it to the side and prepared the seasoning. After prepping the turkey for a bit you added the seasonings and massaged it in. "Now we put on the oven to pre heat it." you mumbled to yourself as you sat down on the counter for a bit. The time came and you put it in the oven and set the timer for half an hour. "And that kids, is how you make turkey."

"SEE, i told you guys that something was wrong but did you guys notice? NOOOO" taki dramatically shouted waving his arms like a lunatic.
"I admit i was wrong, now stop acting like a lunatic before i make you one" jay confessed


huhu sa wakas tapos na! ang kabanata 10 ay pinakawalan pagkatapos ng maraming gawain sa paaralan, inaasahan mong nasiyahan ka <3

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