Thirteen (13)

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It had been a couple weeks since that happened and you were kind of missing your friends and family, especially Lia and your sisters , Jessica and Krystal.

You were currently changing into a comfortable yet sensible outfit because you and jungwon we're going shopping for more ingredients and some clothes for you.

You were currently changing into a comfortable yet sensible outfit because you and jungwon we're going shopping for more ingredients and some clothes for you

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Now you guys were at the mall, well outside of it. "Comon Minseul! Stop being so slow" you could hear jungwon wining and it hadn't even been 5 minutes since you stepped out of the car. "Well sorry sir," you coyly replied.

Now you guys had walked into the mall and jungwon was very clingy with you for some reason.

"Why are you so clingy with me today?" you questioned

"Oh am i? Well you know there's a lot of bad people out there since some people know that your with us you know .." he said and you just nodded in response.

"Oh look! It's a boba shop! Comon it's my treat since it's your birthday today" you said excitedly .

"Heh your so childish now? What happened?"

"No reason!! Just happy i guess?"

"Or maybe it's because i'm with you?"

".. You flirt! You were just being clingy with me a second ago."

"Key word : a second ago!"

"Oh shush!"

You guys had now finished shopping and we're about to go home when you suddenly saw someone unexpected

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You guys had now finished shopping and we're about to go home when you suddenly saw someone unexpected.
"Wait.. is that krystal?"

"Who's krystal?"

"My sister silly!"

You dropped your bags with jungwon and walked away towards krystal.

"Krystal! It's nice to see you again!"

"Huh? Oh my! It's my jiyeon! Where you been??"

You just smiled in response.

"There's a lot to tell you but i don't think i'll be able to tell you now.. so just be safe now and i'll see you soon.!"

"You bet! See you!"

You smiled again and gave her a hug before waving goodbye to her. Now you walked back to jungwon but suddenly someone grabbed you and pulled you away.You looked for jungwon but you could only see him being pulled away too.

When you awoke, you saw yourself tied to a chair with a blindfold covering you but you could tell that you were somewhere rural since you could hear a river nearby and it smelt almost like rotting corpses

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When you awoke, you saw yourself tied to a chair with a blindfold covering you but you could tell that you were somewhere rural since you could hear a river nearby and it smelt almost like rotting corpses. Your hands were sore from a thick rope which bounded you to the chair. You let out a mental curse. 'how could we get in a situation like this? i'm pretty sure we're the most powerful mafia group now.. unless?' You were just about to shout for help but you heard a door unlock.
"Are you sure this is the correct girl?"

"Obviously? Why do you ask anyways? Even if we have the wrong girl the result of this injection will still be the same"


Footsteps started approaching you and they stopped probably a few centimeters away from you.

"Don't you think we should take some precautions first?"

"Maybe you should take some precautions. Even if we don't it will still be the same result"

"Soobin stop being so cold hearted! Everyone is human"

"So? You came up with the idea anyway Huening "

"Ugh just inject her already then! I'm leaving"

'Inject? what do they mean by that?'
Suddenly a sharp pain echoed through your body. You suddenly started to lose your consciousness .

"I shouldn't have done that" you heard a whisper before completely passing out.

hi sa lahat , pasensya na hindi ako nag update ng story na ito ng tagal ! ang paaralan ay naging tulad ng isang mangkukulam sa akin ngunit ipinangako kong mag-update ng madalas mula ngayon! im thinking about y/n name to jiyeon ? ano sa tingin mo ?...

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hi sa lahat , pasensya na hindi ako nag update ng story na ito ng tagal ! ang paaralan ay naging tulad ng isang mangkukulam sa akin ngunit ipinangako kong mag-update ng madalas mula ngayon! im thinking about y/n name to jiyeon ? ano sa tingin mo ? ♥️‼️

unideal - yang jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now