Four (4)

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You just watched as the others got into position. "Minseul come with me! Do it before they see you!" You heard jungwon whisper so you went to his spot. He put his hand over your shoulder and gripped you tight. You got flustered at his action. "They'll have to get through me to get to you." you heard him mumble. "Jungwon. They're looking through the window. Daniel and K are near there . We need to get them away." you said as jungwon nodded. "I'll go and get them. Trust me with this." you said as you ducked and pulled K and Daniel with you. They looked confused at your sudden action . You gave them an 'I'll explain later look' before dragging them to you and jungwons hiding place. It looked as if they had noticed the reason for your action.

You glanced around once again to see if anyone else was in their way. Nobody was there but then you started hearing footsteps. "Guys, they're coming in. We'll have to go to the basement. I have a feeling that they aren't smart enough to check there." you whisper yelled to them earning nods. All of you slowly tiptoed to the basement. It was like luck was on your side because as soon as the others got in the enemies came.

You put your finger to your lips motioning for them to be quiet. You couldn't hear anything. This only meant one thing. Which meant they were close. You quickly grabbed a bat that was near you . The guys looked puzzled but Seon knew what you were doing and told the others to go in the corner. He went next to you with a weapon in his hands. Jungwon and sunghoon eventually came too. "Stop moving around and shut up already. As soon as one of us slips up our whole hiding place will be exposed." You scolded the guys near you and continued to keep listening. "Hide. Right now. They're coming to the basement." you said calmly as the others obeyed and hid in a room covered by a blanket. Seon and Sunghoon went to get more weapons just in case. "Minseul? Are you really sure that they're coming?" jungwon questioned. "I'm 190% sure. Trust me." you said. Seon and Sunghoon came back with the weapons and as soon as they put them on the table the enemies arrived.

You quickly grabbed one of the guns and put it in your pocket. Seon slid a purple earpiece to you and you quickly put it in. You could hear the others panicking from the other line. "Look what we have here. Not only do we have jungwon but we also have a weak and pathetic girl too. How stupid." one of them said. "Hm , I wouldn't say that in weak. I would say that I'm above average." you said standing up and clicking your knuckles. "And who allowed you to talk?" another one said. "Hm I don't know, it's almost as if I don't have freedom of speech and maybe you should shut that massive mouth of yours. I'm not in the mood to fight." you said walking to get a weapon. You could feel them trying to hit you so you grabbed their wrists and twisted them. You just watched as they groaned in pain. "So who's weak now?" you grabbed his chin harshly. "You little piece of shit. Who let you talk to me like that?" "Just shut up already. I'm tired of your blabbering mouth." .Seon and Jungwon grabbed guns. Sunghoon just stuck to guarding where the others were.

"So. Why did you even bother to come here? It's not like jungwon is going to hand you his position. You must be out of your mind." you said walking in zigzags. "For your information I am not out of my mind. I'm just trying to get back what's mine." the blabber mouth said. "Oh so we're telling lies now? Do you wanna hear the biggest lie? Your going to get jungwons position." you stopped in your tracks smirking. "Minseul is right. What makes a fool like you thinks that jungwon would foolishly give you his place? You really are a lunatic." Seon said as a smile crept up his face. "I'm tired of hearing jungwons minions speak. Can we just get the real man to speak? That's the damn reason why were here." the blabbermouth continued.

You saw jungwon smirk from the corner of your eye. "So if I speak you'll go away? Tsk. Don't make us get violent. You won't like it." jungwon quoted, secretly reloading his gun. "So you want to fight? Bet." one of the blabbermouths minions said. You 3 just nodded, and that's when the fight began.

You dodged a whole bunch of attacks that were aimed at you. They really think that you weren't skilled. They were about to punch you but you gave them a flying kick. You just watched as the blood seeped through their nose. "Am I weak? I don't think so." you said as you went to help seon with his battle. You sneakily went behind the person and shot his leg. "Aww are you hurt? Do you need help? Get up yourself then." you smiled before heading to eliminate the last person. You looked towards jungwon then to the gun as you were asking for permission. He nodded and you tapped on the persons shoulder. "Hey you. Jungwon said that he'll give up his position. But you have to sit on that chair first then I'll hand you the contract papers." you said pointing to the chair. That chair was going to be the chair where he would get tied up and then probably killed.

You grabbed a clean sheet of paper and handed it to him. "What's this? This is just a clean sheet of paper it's not a contract." he slightly raised his voice at you. You smiled a sly smile. "Did you really think that we were going to surrender so easily? Wow you sure are gullible." you said admiring your nails. "Don't you think that... we should end that battle today? No? Well too bad." you said raising your voice to mock him. He got up and punched you in the stomach. "Who do you think you are huh? Do you know who I am?" the man was now angry. "Yes I know who you are. You're a dirty piece of shit that doesn't deserve to be here. Close your eyes and everything will be over soon. How about that?" You said gritting your teeth. You took the gun out one more time and pointed it to his head. "It will be over soon dont worry sweetie." you made your voice soothing making him relax his body.

You pulled the trigger. You watched the way his body laid lifelessly on the floor. "Guys look at what I did! Don't you think it was so cool?" you said clapping your hands in joy. "I've never seen someone so happy about killing someone." Sunghoon said from the other side. You heard the boys laughing through your earpiece. "They were a bad person what can i do?" you simply replied. "Wait.. I have a weird feeling about these two. I feel like you guys might know them." "Of course we know them. They worked for a mafia." "No, i feel like you know them as a person."

unideal - yang jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now