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The woman's fake smile grew again as she slid the Dixie cup with pills through the open slot large enough for her hand to fit in; her beady eyes blinking annoyingly. I muttered sarcastically before taking the small cup and dispersing from the now even shorter line. Looking around I noticed the women doing different things in the room. There was a small group of about six sitting around the round table playing cards, another group was sitting on the sofa watching some old show while humming every so often at what was happening on the television. Everyone else were either still at the water fountain about to take their pills or aimlessly walking around doing and thinking about who knows what.
I sighed and walked over to the farthest wall, standing alone and analysing everyone else. How can they be so used to living like this? Call me naive to all this, but even if I were crazy this would be the last place I would ever wanna end up.
I looked down at the pills burning a hole in my hand. I had to do something about them, but I sure as hell do not plan on taking them.
I quickly looked around before I spotted a plant on the floor not too far from where I was standing. With a plan in mind, I smoothly walked over and made sure no one was looking before I dropped them in the soil and covered them up the best I could.
Satisfied that they were completely covered, I swiftly walked over to the same spot I was standing in previously and stood looking around like I had earlier.
I felt uncomfortable being around everyone and wanted to keep my space. It was wierd; some were doing normal things to occupy themselves while others were what looked to be talking to themselves. They were having full on conversations and staring off like nothing was out of the ordinary. Other than that the most uncomfortable women in the room were the two that were ballroom dancing as if a male companion was joining them. Their arms were in the air acting is if they had their arms wrapped around the back of someone's neck as they swayed gently to the sound of the television; looking up into invisible eyes. I chewed my lip nervously when one of the two would get closer and closer, only to venture off towards the middle of the room again. Everyone continued what they were doing, completely used to everyone's activities.
It wasn't until someone waved their hand in front of me that I snapped out of my thoughts. Although I didn't mean to I jumped slightly and quickly diverted my attention to Minnie; the flamboyant girl I met earlier. She was looking at me with a confused smile before she parted her round lips.
"Umm- Destiny was it? Didn't you hear me calling you from the table?" I furrowed my brows in confusion looking from her to the table. It was then I noticed Kyra from earlier gazing over at us every so often while holding a deck of cards in her hand.
"N-no, I'm sorry I kinda zoned off." I trailed, looking around the room and focusing my attention back onto the two dancing women.
She followed my gaze and laughed lightly once she caught on to what I was looking at.

"Oh, you'll get used to them. All they ever do is dance and eat when foods served. Lunch and dessert is the only time they sleep because of the sleeping medicine if it wasn't for that I'm sure they'd just dance twenty-four-seven. C'mon." She took my hand and drug me over to the table before seating herself in her chair next to Kyra who didn't look pleased to see me. She had a scowl on her face, but I wasn't going to let it faze me one bit. I didn't ask to be brought here thank you.

I gingerly sat in the other chair that was next to Minnie and watched their poker game resume. Being me obviously I know nothing about poker,but from the looks of it Kyra was winning. In the middle of the table was a few cigarettes and some small packages foods and fruit from sealed container yogurt and packages muffins to oranges and bananas. I quirked my brow at the unusual trading method but decided against questioning it out loud.
Kyra snickered as she slid the remaining cigarettes and food into her rather large pile, slamming down her cards beforehand. Groans of failure and sore losers echoed loudly throughout the room; even an occasional "you cheated" left the lips of a few.

"Quiet up over there this isn't a zoo!" Said the woman at the booth at the far front wall as she filed her glossy nails. Almost everyone at the table rolled their eyes or muttered something sarcastic, I did mentally.
Everyone threw their cards in the middle as a heavy-set lady with shoulder length brown hair sorted up the cards before putting them in a stack in the middle. She then walked over to the small table with board games and swapped the cards out for a game called 'Apples to Apples'.

"So Destiny, how are you liking Crawford Bay?" Asked Minnie as she turned her head and looked my way; her long curly blond hair brushed against me slightly.

"More like hating Crawford Bay." I rolled my eyes as I spoke. It's wierd how she talked about it like this place was supposed to be enjoyable.

"I don't blame you there, after a while this place doesn't seem so bad. That could just be because I have Turner though." She shrugged her shoulders, looking back down at the game as cards were handed to her.

"Wanna play?" She asked as the larger woman who got the game asked who all was playing.
I denied her, not feeling up to the mood to play. Not even a bored game could make me feel better.

"You've gotta find some way to stay sane in here." After she spoke she stopped moving and looked into the distance as if thinking about her choice if words.

"That's pretty funny to say especially since most of us are insane." She mused, finding her words amusing.

For the remainder of the time I just sat there and watched everyone play different card and board games. It wasn't amazing but it wasn't too bad either; apart from the rude glances Kyra would give me every so often. Throughout the rest of the hour Minnie would make small talk and try to include me the best of her abilities, but I didn't change my mind and preferred to watch everything that was going on instead.
Minnie was in the middle of picking Uno as the last game to play when commotion started to get louder towards the television.
What started off as a simple argument over the remote turned violent as a thin yet tall older woman started stabbing a bigger woman in the eye with it.  I get it I'm a rebel and I try to act all cool to scary movies with gore and all, but this was something totally different. I genuinely felt unsafe and scared more than ever in my life and I knew in that moment that I would be scarred for life.
The woman at the booth screamed loudly and with trembling arms called for security with the same looking button as the woman at the desk.
The women around me reacted differently from each other as the woman continued her assault.
Some cheered and jumped up and down, others screamed just like me(Minnie mainly), and others were going absolutely crazy yelling and muttering incoherently. The only one who didn't seem fazed by the whole thing was Kyra, who just stood there watching the scene u fold.
I stood up and began backing away from the scene, wanting to be far away from it as possible.

Within seconds security was running in and detained the woman who retaliated with loud wails of exuberant laughter; kicking her legs and trying to thrash her arms in the process. Behind them the doctor came running in with the nurse named Maddie following along behind. In his hands he held a needle full of a clear liquid.

"Hold her still now!" Exclaimed the doctor, trying to get a clear shot of at least somewhere on the moving woman. Maddie stepped up and also grabbed at the woman's arms, holding them still the best she could with the two security beside her.
I flinched as the heavy doors busted open with more nurse's, one being Nicholas and another being an older female I didn't recognize.

"We've got this check on the other one!" The doctor demanded as he finally found the perfect opportunity to insert the syringe.
The detained woman squealed in protest, kicking even more before she started to slowly get more tired and tired. Her movements came to a complete stop and only small pants and cries would leave her chapped, pale lips.
I wanted to look away, shut my eyes really tight, and try and forget about everything, yet I couldn't. My eyes were almost transfixed and from the looks of it so was everyone else's. It's so crazy to think it's this easy for a scene like this to unfold. Just a small disagreement can turn into a scarring situation...one I'll probably never forget.
I looked back over to see nurse Browning and the older woman gently coaxing the injured female up and out of the room with soft praises of trying to get her to breath right, blood soaking the white cloth that was softly pressing against her face.
Once she was gone the security began dragging the sleeping phsyco out the room and down the hall to who knows where. Maddie took her position behind the primary doctor, looking accomplished with herself for the small help she actually put in.

"She's definitely going to solitary confinement." Whispered Minnie with wide eyes still looking forward at the blood decorating the floor. I didn't realize she had even backed up to where I was; farther toward the opposite wall of the fearing even that just took place.
Dr. Dean handed the syringe to the nurse behind him then straighten his open coat, a slight smidge of blood on the cuff and collar. He looked around, looking more furious than anything.

"Everyone back to their rooms. Now!" His booming voice bounced off the walls and everyone scattered out the door. I was quick to leave the room, silently praying I could get that sick image out of my head.

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